JAKARTA - Outbreaks of mouth and nail disease (PMK) in livestock are increasingly widespread. Currently, 19 provinces and 229 regencies/cities in the country have been affected by the FMD outbreak. To overcome the spread of this epidemic, the government has set 5M as the key.

Director General of Livestock and Animal Health at the Ministry of Agriculture, Nasrullah, detailed that the first 5M provides vaccines for healthy livestock. Second, maintain the sanitation and biosecurity of the cage. Third, limiting the traffic of livestock and livestock products.

"Fourth, isolate sick cattle and new livestock; and finally, carry out stamping out (culling) of PMK sick cattle on islands that are still free of FMD," he said in a written statement received by VOI, Monday 27 June.

Nasrullah explained that the government continues to accelerate vaccination of livestock to prevent an increase in the number of sick animals infected with FMD. According to him, the central government continues to coordinate with the provinces and districts/cities for vaccination.

"Saturday and Sunday vaccinations are still running in the field. The provisional figure is 58,275 individuals have been vaccinated. Thank you to the field officers who are persistent and tireless in helping our farmers," he said.

The areas that are most actively vaccinating are currently monitored on the official website on standbypmk.id in Malang Regency (East Java) as many as 24,483 individuals, Pasuruan (East Java) as many as 4,746 individuals, West Bandung (West Java) as many as 5,139 individuals, Banyumas as many as 1,729 individuals. .

"This data is temporary and I believe it will continue to grow, as the distribution of vaccines has reached the regions," he said.

Accelerate Livestock Vaccination

Nasrullah also asked field officers to accelerate the implementation of vaccinations for healthy animals in areas that are currently red and yellow, this is needed to reduce the speed of the spread of FMD.

For your information, FMD outbreaks can spread very quickly. In line with this, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has also instructed his staff to quickly inject vaccines into livestock. This is to protect farm animals from getting more infected.

"We ask for the active cooperation of regional leaders to immediately deploy vaccinator officers, because I see there are still many who have not moved, even though the vaccine has been received. We are accelerating efforts in the field again," he said.

The government has distributed 651,700 doses of PMK emergency vaccine since Friday, June 24, and has been received by various national livestock enclaves. There are 3 million doses of emergency vaccines prepared, and then the government will continue to increase the number of PMK vaccines to 29 million doses with a scheme funded by KPCPEN funds.

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