JAKARTA - The government has prepared a budget to replace livestock, especially cows belonging to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) which were forcibly culled due to exposure to the mouth and nail disease (PMK) epidemic.

The mouth and nail disease outbreak itself has spread to 19 provinces and 215 districts/cities in the country as of Thursday, June 23. The details are 231,715 sick livestock. The highest was in the province of East Java with a total of 86,734 individuals.

As for the livestock that recovered as many as 74,930 heads. Then the livestock that were conditionally slaughtered were 2,248 heads and 1,330 tails that died.

"Regarding the replacement, especially for animals that are culled or forcibly killed, the government will prepare compensation, especially for MSME breeders, which is Rp. 10 million per cow," said Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartanto in a virtual press conference, Thursday, June 23.

As previously reported, the outbreak of PMK that has spread has caused concern, therefore the Alliance of Indonesian Breeders, Students and Animal Health Workers Organizations asked the government to immediately determine PMK as an extraordinary event (PMK).

The alliance consists of the Indonesian Cattle Community (KSI), PPSKI, HPDKI, PDHI, ISPI, IDHSI, the Indonesian Dairy Cooperative Association (GKSI), the National Animal Husbandry Council (DEPERNAS), the Indonesian Breeder Student Senate Association (ISMAPETI), the Association of Cattle Breeders & Traders. All of Indonesia (APPoSSI), and the Indonesian Dairy Cattle Breeders Association.

Chairman of the DPP KSI, Budiono asked the government to take the strictest steps against the mouth and nail disease outbreak which is currently affecting many livestock.

"Requesting the Government to immediately declare the situation of 'Outbreak' and 'Extraordinary Event' for the presence of Mouth and Nail disease that has spread throughout Indonesia," he said in an official statement, Sunday, June 19.

Then, Budiono asked President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to immediately order the Government's Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock to prioritize vaccination to areas that have not been infected with the FMD outbreak.

"So that cows that are still healthy can immediately get the vaccine, only after that the infected area and the last is the outbreak area, and provide assistance with drugs in handling PMK," he explained.

From the many requests, Budiono also asked the government to provide incentives to breeders whose animals have contracted FMD and died due to FMD by delaying loan payments to banks.

"This can be done by submitting to the OJK, to eliminate or at worst delay payments in loans to financial institutions in the form of any loans submitted for livestock businesses, where the livestock died due to the FMD outbreak; and assist in the case of refusal of insurance claims on livestock. exposed to PMK, so that the Insurance Company (JASINDO) can include a PMK clause as an integral part of the addendum to the initial policy," he explained.

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