JAKARTA - The Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office, Agung Krisdiyanto, said that the revitalization of the people's market has proven to be able to improve the welfare of traders in the market.

This was conveyed by Agung after reviewing the Sirnagalih Market, in Tanggamus, Lampung, Sunday, June 19, which is one of 227 markets that are included in the list of revitalization in 2021.

"Revitalization keeps the distribution chain awake and helps increase merchant turnover," Agung said in a press release, as reported by Antara.

To note, the revitalization of the people's market is one of President Joko Widodo's priority programs.

This traditional market revitalization program is a mandate of Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade, which is also included in President Joko Widodo's Nawacita.

He said that before being revitalized, Sirnagalih Market could only accommodate no more than 90 traders. With the revitalization, the market can accommodate 147 traders, both in kiosks and stalls.

"The president is very committed to the utilization of the people's market which has been revitalized. It is hoped that the people's market will be able to compete with shopping centers or modern shops," said Agung.

In 2015-2019 the government has succeeded in revitalizing more than 5,000 units of traditional markets, which are spread throughout the province. This success will be continued in 2020-2021, by revitalizing 227 traditional markets.

"Revitalization is not only physical, but also in its management. How to create a people's market with modern management, cleaner, healthier, safer, fresher, and more comfortable," explained Agung.

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