JAKARTA - PLN provides free electricity connection fees to 100 underprivileged families in Sleman and Bantul, Special Region (DI) Yogyakarta.

This is part of the PLN Peduli Social and Environmental Responsibility (TSJL) program.

This assistance was symbolically given by the President Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo to one of the beneficiaries in Bantul Regency on Saturday 18 June.

"PLN has two functions, the first function is of course as a corporation carrying out its duties, electricity as a commodity, but it turns out that in the process of building this nation, the fifth principle is social justice for all Indonesian people," said Darmawan in an official statement, Saturday.

The selection of beneficiaries is carried out directly by PLN by ensuring that beneficiaries are registered in the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.

The beneficiary's house will receive electricity with a power of 450 Volt Ampere (VA). Not only that, the assistance also includes making installations in the house with an Operation-worthy Certificate (SLO).

"PLN provides free electricity connection assistance for 100 customers, one customer for Rp. 1 million, both for connection and installation in their homes," he said.

In providing electricity, PLN is only obliged to build a network to supply electricity to customers' homes.

Meanwhile, for the manufacture of installations in the house and the cost of connecting electricity is usually the responsibility of the customer, but with this assistance the costs are borne by PLN.

"This free electricity connection fee is a form of PLN's concern for the poor, as well as an effort to distribute electricity throughout Indonesia, as well as a form of state presence through energy access," said Darmawan.

One of the beneficiaries, Pariyati (60), a housewife, said she was very grateful that her house was now electrified by PLN. The presence of electricity is very helpful for his family in their activities.

"Thanks to PLN for the help. Previously I distributed electricity from a neighbor. Now we have our own electricity, we are very grateful," he said.

Throughout the first semester of 2022, PLN has provided free electricity assistance to as many as 509 underprivileged residents in Central Java and DIY.

The aid was distributed in the areas of Magelang, Salatiga, Tegal, Klaten, Purwokerto, Sukoharjo, and Demak.

Not only in Central Java and Yogyakarta, PLN has also provided free electricity connection assistance to 18,377 underprivileged families throughout Indonesia throughout 2021, with a total budget of Rp. 18.6 billion.

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