JAKARTA - Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan said he wanted to immediately find out the root problem of cooking oil.

Therefore, Zulkifli decided to move quickly to the market, tomorrow.

"Tomorrow we will look at the market, after that we can find out," said Zulkifli at the Trade Ministry office, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 15.

As the new minister, Zulkifli Hasan admitted that he had to work faster. This is because his tenure is short, because Joko Widodo's government will end in the next 2 years.

Meanwhile, there is a lot of work to be done. One of them, the problem of cooking oil.

"This is my remaining term of office (2 years), the time is short," he said.

The man who is familiarly called Zulhas revealed that since a month ago, he had been discussing with industry players in the sector.

As a result, there are several priority scales that must be resolved.

"There are several ways, but wait a day or two," he said.

Zulhas also admitted that he had a special strategy to deal with the unresolved problem of cooking oil in the country.

Even so, Zulhas said he could not work alone, everyone had to be involved and done together.

"If we are together, the cooking oil which was not finished for a long time, hopefully we can finish it quickly, its availability and the price is affordable," he said.

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