JAKARTA - PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya as the Food BUMD owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) collaborated with the Sari Makmur Gapoktan, Tejosari Village, East Metro District, East Lampung Metro City, Lampung Province, Friday.

The signing of the cooperation was witnessed directly by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province, Anies Rasyid Baswedan and the Mayor of Metro Lampung, dr. H. Wahdi Siradjuddin, Sp. OG(K) on Friday, June 10.

The scope of cooperation between Food Station and Gapoktan Sari Makmur is carried out on an area of 150 hectares with a productivity of 6 tons per hectare. Meanwhile, the potential yield reaches 900 tons of GKP and 450 tons of rice.

President Director of PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya Pamrihadi Wiraryo said the signing of the cooperation between Food Station and the Sari Makmur Gapoktan is an inter-regional cooperation in the form of a fair collaboration. PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya will be a standby buyer who is ready to absorb all harvests from Gapoktan Sari Makmur, both in the form of Harvested Dry Grain (GKP) and Cracked Rice (PK), at prices that provide benefits to farmers, so that farmers do not need to worry when harvest, where will the produce be sold and at what price," said Pamrihadi. Furthermore, Pamrihadi explained that this collaboration is to ensure the availability of rice supplies and affordable prices for Jakarta residents. As a concrete form of cooperation, it is not merely a ceremony. On this occasion, it was immediately realized with the first shipment of 10 tons of Ciherang Varieties of Cracked Rice which was released directly by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province, Anies Rasyid Baswedan.

Pamrihadi added that this cooperation will be further enhanced in the future by the addition of several other rice varieties such as Muncul, Mentik Wangi and Red Rice, to meet the needs of the Food Station Rice Factory Production in Gajah City.

"In the future, Gapoktan Sari Makmur will send its harvest in the form of Harvested Dry Grain (GKP) to the FS factory in Gajah City, which will then be processed into cracked rice or rice which will be sent to Jakarta," he said. On the same occasion the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province , Anies Rasyid Baswedan, conveyed that DKI Jakarta contributes to the national economy by 17 percent, and DKI Jakarta is one of the areas with very high food consumption, so to meet food needs, DKI Jakarta must collaborate with producing regions (production centers).

"Only through cooperation with production centers, food supply for the people of DKI Jakarta can be guaranteed," he said. Metro Lampung.

The cooperation includes the initial delivery of 30 cows and eggs by Perumda Dharma Jaya, as well as the delivery of processed food products produced by local MSMEs by Perumda Pasar Jaya.

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