JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto is said to have just visited the Asshiddiqiyah Islamic Boarding School, North Kedoya-West Jakarta in order to help encourage the Santripreneur Program which is currently being promoted by the government.

On the occasion, Airlangga revealed that Islamic boarding schools are a strategic base in encouraging the national economy.

"The Santripreneur Program was initiated to encourage students to become strong entrepreneurs," he said in an official statement on Monday, June 6.

According to Airlangga, controlling the handling of COVID-19 is important, because it is a driving factor for the recovery of the national economy.

According to him, the control of this pandemic is of course also thanks to the support of various parties, including scholars, kyai, and religious leaders who constantly call on the public to comply with health protocols and make vaccination programs reach all levels of society.

"We want the Islamic Da'wah Council (MDI) at this Islamic boarding school to play an active role in the economic development of the people so that prosperity in Indonesia can be achieved," he said.

Airlangga also said that MDI must be the main driver for peaceful Islamic da'wah by synergizing with ulama, kyai, and ustadz.

"Through the role of MDI, it is hoped that it can give birth to many preachers who create coolness and shade for people who have the same vision and mission in spreading Islam rahmatan lil 'alamin," concluded Coordinating Minister Airlangga.

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