JAKARTA - Conglomerate Theodore Permadi Rachmat was present on the sidelines of the 36th Graduation of the Paramadina University Bachelor and Masters Program. His presence is not without reason.

The owner of the Triputra Group who is in charge of various kinds of businesses, received the Paramadina Award from the Chancellor of Paramadina University Prof. Didik J. Rachbini.

"This is an expression of gratitude for his role and contribution in advancing Paramadina University, developing national education and sports, as well as developing the talents and achievements of the younger generation in Indonesia," said Prof. Educate in his statement, quoted Monday, June 6th.

Paramadina Award is the highest award given by Paramadina University as a form of appreciation to people who consistently strive to create Indonesian civil society. The Paramadina Award is given to figures and institutions that are considered very meritorious, not only for the development and progress of the world of education, but also for the progress of the nation and the country at large.

In his speech, TP Rachmat mentioned the role of the founder of Paramadina University, Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjid. "I remember the late Nurcholish Madjid, one of the founders of Paramadina University, an educational institution that was built with a noble aim to build a young generation who has depth of faith, sensitivity of conscience, sharpness of reason, ability to work, breadth of insight and independence of spirit," he said.

He continued, "I admire him for his open, modern and pluralistic Islam, without discrediting or threatening other people of different faiths."

Through a speech entitled "Indonesia Raya, a Thousand Years Long," TP Rachmat revealed that Indonesia has the opportunity to achieve a Golden Indonesia in 2045.

He mentioned that many parties gave positive predictions about Indonesia's role in world civilization. Indonesia's natural wealth, large population, and geographical location make many people believe in the size and importance of Indonesia's role in the future.

"But today, we all carry the same mandate, to strive for a Golden Indonesia in 2045." said TP Rachmat.

Apart from the capital already owned, continued TP Rachmat, to realize Golden Indonesia has challenges to prepare aspects of human quality. It is human quality that will be the determinant and differentiator for the progress, welfare, and greatness of the nation.

"Many nations in the world are few in number, do not have abundant natural resources, do not have a favorable geographical position. But these nations can make a big impact on the world through their various works."

These nations then formulate the basic principles of education, assign the best talents to manage education, allocate large sources of funds, and establish policies that support and improve the quality of education.

He also stressed that education was 'very very important'. With education, the nation moves forward, freeing itself from various limitations and shackles that hinder progress.

"I have the belief that a complete education is an education that not only teaches science, but also instills a solid foundation in terms of nationalism, spirituality, core values, and the right way of thinking."

"Education is complete and comprehensive, which is 'beyond brain'. That will be the determining factor for the realization of a Greater Indonesia, an Indonesia that exists for a thousand years," he concluded.

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