JAKARTA - PT Telkom (Persero) on Friday, May 27 tomorrow is scheduled to hold an annual general meeting of shareholders (AGM). Ahead of the AGMS, a number of people are pushing for the need to refresh the chair of the president director (director) in the state-owned enterprises (BUMN) that serve the information technology and telecommunications sectors.

Currently, the position of President Director of PT Telkom is held by Ririek Adriansyah. It is known, since 2012, Ririek has been a director of Telkom. Referring to Government Regulation No. 45 of 2005 concerning BUMN, Ririek must leave his post in 2022 because he has served for 10 years.

Referring to article 19 of the regulation, it is clearly stated that the term of office is only five years and can be reappointed through the GMS for one term of office.

"If it is in accordance with the regulations, if you have served 10 years, it must be replaced through the AGMS meeting," said Public Policy Observer Trubus Rahadiansyah in his written statement, Thursday, May 26.

According to him, Ririek's replacement through the AGMS is appropriate because the meeting is the highest forum for making strategic company policies. He hopes that Government Regulation No. 45 of 2005 will be respected together to maintain the great dignity of PT Telkom.

“Regeneration is important for three reasons. First, to improve the performance of PT Telkom. Second, the acceleration of public services in a better direction. Third, improve the competitiveness of TLKM to compete with other companies both at home and abroad. Because Telkom is an icon of Indonesia, so it must be able to compete globally," said Trubus.

According to the Company's Articles of Association, a maximum of a person can serve in the same institution for a maximum of two terms (10 years). In 2015-2019, Ririek had served as the president director of PT Telkomsel. However, according to the articles of association, the President Director of PT Telkomsel also serves as Telkom's Board of Executive (BOE) and is equivalent to Telkom's BOD/directors.

If Ririek's tenure is forced to be maintained, it will cause problems in the future, both legally, politically and so on. Changing the top leadership in BUMN on a regular basis, can create a healthy company as well as be a role model.

According to Trubus, from the aspect of public policy, holding power for too long can reduce the level of public trust. Such conditions can also lead to negative perceptions of the organization's ability to regenerate.

“Furthermore, the CEO will be the burden of the organization. This means that Telkom itself will be a burden if it persists. Gradually this situation causes the work process to be ineffective in hindering program implementation,” he said.

In the midst of increasingly fierce competition for information technology services, PT Telkom is constantly encouraged to make fresh innovations with the support of reliable human resources (HR). These quality human resources do not have to be fixed internally, because many of the nation's children outside of PT Telkom are superior. The AGMS is a strategic forum to strengthen the structure as well as the program plan.

"More importantly, transparency in the determination of the board of directors should be prioritized. We have to put an end to the model that seems thickly political in determining office. Because Telkom's board of directors is very strategic to bring this nation forward and can compete with other nations," he said.

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