JAKARTA - The Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan) is one of the government agencies that is quite aggressive in spending at the beginning of the year. It is noted that until the first quarter of 2022, the expenditure value of the ministry led by Prabowo Subianto has reached IDR 2.5 trillion.

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani as state treasurer said that the funds were included in the capital expenditure category.

"The Ministry of Defense uses the funds to buy equipment and machinery, especially those related to modernization and procurement," he said through a virtual channel in the middle of this week.

The Minister of Finance explained that the Ministry of Defense is the third largest agency in capital expenditure matters. Meanwhile, the top two places are occupied by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) at Rp. 7.6 trillion and the Indonesian Police at Rp. 5.4 trillion.

"The actual spending of the Ministry of Defense is actually lower than the same period in 2021 with IDR 3.5 trillion," continued the Minister of Finance.

For information, throughout 2021 the Ministry of Defense posted a total capital expenditure of around Rp. 24.8 trillion. The budget is used to modernize defense equipment, non-defense equipment, and facilities and infrastructure.

In more detail, the focus of spending is directed at increasing or procuring floating equipment, Indonesian warships, Navy (AL) ships, combat and tactical vehicles, aircraft, missiles, and submarines with a total of 8,412 units.

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