BATURAJA - Pertamina Region OKU Raya, South Sumatra, has banned all gas stations in the area from serving the purchase of fuel oil (BBM) using jerry cans.

"This was done to anticipate the action of pouring fuel by the public using jerry cans," said Pertamina OKU Raya Sales Branch Manager, Zico Aldilah Syahtian in Baturaja, as reported by Antara, Sunday, April 10.

He said Pertamina officially issued a regulation prohibiting the purchase of Pertalite type fuel using jerry cans at all gas stations, including in OKU Raya Regency.

"We have socialized this rule to all gas station managers since early April 2022," he said. For those gas stations who do not comply with these rules, his party will provide strict sanctions to provide a deterrent effect. Sanctions for rogue gas stations range from a written warning to the revocation of the Pertalite type of fuel distribution permit.

"The sanction in stage 1 is blocking the Pertalite dispenser for two days. If it persists, it can block for up to one month and another violation, we will revoke the permit for the distribution of Pertalite," said Zion.

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