PONTIANAK - Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Kalimantan, Sub Holding Commercial and Trading as a business entity assigned by the government to distribute fuel, ensure and guarantee the stock of subsidized diesel fuel is safe and distribution runs optimally. Area Manager of Regional Communication Relations Pertamina Kalimantan, Susanto Satria currently contacted in Balikpapan, Sunday 10 April, said that the availability of stock and distribution of subsidized diesel for the West Kalimantan region including Pontianak City was in accordance with the quota set by BPH Migas, and had even added supply to a number of gas stations in order to meet the needs of the community. "Pertamina continues to distribute fuel subsidized diesel fuel to gas stations in Pontianak City every day according to the quota that has been set and there is no reduction, one of which is at SPBU 6478118, where an additional supply of 22 percent has been made from previous needs," he said, quoted by Antara. Pontia Son who demanded the removal of the purchase restrictions, Satria explained that Pertamina was implementing regulations regarding the amount of diesel fuel purchased for each vehicle based on the BPH Migas decision. "This rule is implemented so that subsidized diesel can be distributed and enjoyed to vehicles that are entitled, right on target," he said. Satria continued Pertamina will continue to monitor the entire distribution process from the fuel terminal to consumers to ensure gas stations are always available for fuel, especially subsidized diesel. , and his party will focus on services on logistics and routes whose users are entitled to enjoy them. For the distribution of subsidized diesel, Pertamina refers to Presidential Regulation no. 191 of 2014. While the amount for filling subsidized diesel fuel is in accordance with BPH oil and gas regulations SK 04/P3JBT/BPH Migas/BPH/2020 that for six-wheeled fleets a maximum of 80 liters, four wheels a maximum of 60 liters, and six wheels and above a maximum of 200 liters, he said. .

To ensure that users who are entitled to subsidized diesel can be understood by the public, Pertamina together with all stakeholders and the government through BPH Migas will continue to improve education and socialization regarding the regulations that have been made regarding the distribution of subsidized diesel. will be right on target and the public will be wiser in using fuel according to the specifications and specifications of the vehicle. Mining industry players, plantations, must use non-subsidized fuel, "said Satria. in supervising the diesel subsidy so that it is right on target. If there are indications of misuse of subsidized diesel, the public can report directly to the authorities, and if the fault lies with the gas station, Pertamina will not hesitate to take action on the gas station. mem provide information related to subsidized diesel in the field, the public can directly contact the Pertamina Call Center (PCC) 135 or access the official Pertamina website at www.pertamina.com.

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