JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif conducted a surprise inspection (sidak) of four public fuel filling stations (SPBU) in Medan City, North Sumatra, Saturday 9 April. Based on the inspection results, it was found that there were still luxury vehicles that consumed subsidized diesel.

However, in general, fuel is monitored safely and there is no long line of vehicles at the gas station. Sufficient stock and if there is a shortage, immediately take steps to fill it back.

"Since I landed until now the supply is safe, there are no queues and everything is running smoothly," explained Arifin.

During this inspection, Arifin was accompanied by President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati and Deputy Governor of North Sumatra Musa Rajekshah, Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Ego Syahrial, Director General of Oil and Gas Tutuka Ariadji, and Head of BPH Migas Erika Retnowati.

Arifin got a private car of the type of Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV), Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV), and an industrial truck/carrier of agricultural products that filled with Biosolar fuel. Each gas station is expected to carry out non-subsidized fuel promotion activities properly, so that people use non-subsidized fuel.

"The government allocates subsidized diesel for people who need assistance, not for industries that do commercial business. We urge industries that are still using subsidized diesel, replace using non-subsidized fuel. So as not to reduce the share of people who are entitled to the subsidized fuel allocation. ," said Arifin.

At SPBU 11209108 Rest Area KM 65A, Serdang Bedagai Regency, for example, Arifin reminded families who were using a rental car not to use subsidized diesel. Likewise, when talking with Daf, the truck driver who brought mineral water from Binjai to the city of Padang.

Arifin provides an understanding that subsidized BBM is only for people who have the right. "Tell the boss, you shouldn't use Biosolar, but use Pertadex," said Arifin.

Responding to this, Daf also revealed that he was only provided with fuel money for the type of biodiesel. He admitted that he filled at least three times with diesel fuel with an amount of 100 liters each, namely in Serdang Bedagai, Balige, Padangsidempuan, before finally refilling it when he arrived in Padang.

According to him, queues of vehicles filling up fuel often occur in the Balige area, up to 2 hours long. Not infrequently after queuing, he does not get fuel so he has to buy it at retailers at a price of IDR 7,500 per liter.

"Usually at gas stations it is Rp. 5,150, if at retail it is Rp. 7,500, but you can still get the goods (diesel)," said Daf.

Furthermore, at SPBU 14201127, Jalan Sisingamangaraja XII, Medan City, Arifin explained to the media crew the need to limit the use of subsidized diesel. This is due to the increase in world oil prices and difficult supply.

"If we can't be disciplined, it will cause the amount of government subsidies and compensation to be large. Every USD 1 increase per barrel in the price of oil will have an additional burden of IDR 5.7 trillion. The price of oil is now above USD 100 per barrel, while the benchmark in the APBN is around USD60 per barrel, so it is more or less USD40 multiplied. We ask for understanding from all parties, who are not entitled to take subsidized fuel, buy non-subsidized fuel. We want the subsidy budget to be used to grow the economy," added Minister Arifin.

Meanwhile, Nicke Widyawati revealed, currently there is no shortage in the Medan City area because the supply of fuel continues to be added. Of the four gas stations visited, the stock conditions were safe and there were no long queues.

"The condition is stable, there are no problems. We are monitoring the entire area, we are checking," explained Nicke.

It is known, for 2022, the quota for diesel fuel in North Sumatra Province is 1,077,670 kilo liters (KL), while the Pertalite quota is 680,293 KL spread over 33 regencies/cities.

The distribution of biodiesel in 2022 for the North Sumatra region has exceeded 111 percent of the quota. As for the Northern Sumatra Region (Sumbagut), the total distribution up to April 6, 2022 has exceeded the quota by 8 percent.

Meanwhile, the distribution of Pertalite in 2022 has exceeded the quota by 227 percent. The total in the Sumbagut Region as of April 6, 2022 has exceeded the quota by 32 percent.

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