JAKARTA - The Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is said to have recorded as many as 21,646 fields of state property (BMN) which will soon be issued certificates this year.

Head of Sub-Directorate of BMN III DJKN Bambang Sulistyo said from this figure it was known that the cost of making certificates was Rp. 16.6 billion.

"The budget is in the form of pure rupiah, the ceiling of which is at the Ministry of ATR/BPN," he said when speaking to the media crew through a virtual channel on Friday, April 8.

Bambang explained that the number of tens of thousands of BMN was a proposal from various ministry/institutional work units (satker) through the Office of the State Assets and Auction Service (KPKNL) to be collected collectively by DJKN at the national level.

"So this is the total proposal at the national level from the ministerial/institutional work units that have been approved for a certificate," he said.

Meanwhile, there are 8,899 fields of state assets that have been certified but are still on behalf of other parties. However, the government stipulates a 0 percent PPnBM exemption for transfer fees to become state property.

Meanwhile, until the end of 2021 there are a total of 64,050 certified state land parcels. Then, for this year, it is targeted that certification efforts can reach 32,636 fields.

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