JAKARTA - Senior economist Faisal Basri believes that the Jokowi administration's efforts to control the inflation rate in the country are not comprehensive. In fact, the government tends to use the stampede method.

The stampede that Faisal meant was that the success of the Jokowi administration in suppressing inflation at a low level was a bogus thing.

"Regardless of how to control inflation, it turns out that Pak Jokowi's method of controlling inflation is the stampede method, not improving supply and not improving logistics. There is, but rather the stampede method," he said in a virtual discussion, Thursday, April 7.

According to Faisal, the method used by the government does not solve the root of the problem. This is because the problem of a surge in selection inflation arises and becomes a subscription issue in Indonesia at any given moment.

Furthermore, Faisal also criticized Jokowi's steps to suppress the inflation rate quickly but in an instant way. For example, by pouring out a jumbo subsidy to the community. One of them is energy subsidies for fuel oil (BBM).

For example, for Pertalite, the government provides subsidies of Rp. 4,000 to Rp. 4,500 for 23 million kilo liters. Then diesel for Rp. 7,800, Pertamax, although the price has been raised, there is still a subsidy of Rp. 3,500 that has been bailed out by Pertamina.

Therefore, continued Faisal, the government's achievements in the Jokowi era in suppressing inflation so far have not been real, but have only been stepped on.

"So, in the end, this subsidy has ballooned and can't be afforded (because) there is a war crisis, it can no longer be carried out and soon I think the government will give up because the subsidy is extraordinary. So so far we can say that inflation is pseudo-low. Step foot," he said.

However, Faisal said it was undeniable that inflation throughout the history of low inflation occurred during the Jokowi administration. In fact, low inflation is quite consistent.

Therefore, Faisal warned that if the inflation rate cannot be suppressed and soaring high due to the spike in food prices, the poverty rate will increase. Finally, Jokowi left no legacy after he no longer served as head of state.

"Because the more he adds his good tenure (his work results) can be bad and finally Pak Jokowi leaves nothing, except for environmental damage and piling debts. Therefore, we love Pak Jokowi, it is enough until 2024," he said.

"So there will be a lost legacy if inflation is high the number of poor people will double again. In fact, Pak Jokowi wants to eliminate extreme poverty," he continued.

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