JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation has issued a new train travel regulation ahead of the 2022 Eid homecoming. In the new regulation, prospective intercity train passengers are required to include the results of a COVID-19 health test.

First, intercity train passengers who have just received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, are required to show a negative result of the RT-PCR test whose sample was taken within (3x24) hours.

Second, for intercity train passengers who have received the second dose of vaccine, they must show a negative result of the rapid antigen test which is valid for 1x24 hours or a negative result of the RT-PCR test which is valid for 3x24 hours.

This rule is contained in the Circular Letter (SE) of the Minister of Transportation Number 39 of 2022 concerning Instructions for Traveling Domestic People by Rail Transportation during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic on Monday, April 4 which will be effective starting April 5, 2022.

Director General of Railways Zulfikri said this travel rule was an adjustment to previous travel rules and adapted to the Task Force Circular No. 16 of 2022 which had been issued to anticipate passenger movements during the Idul Fitri 1443 H homecoming period.

Furthermore, Zulfikri said that with the enactment of SE 39 of 2022, it also revoked the previous provisions.

"Hopefully these rules can be enforced together to maintain order in the flow of travel and prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus," he said in an official statement, Tuesday, April 5.

In addition, Zulfikri said that the obligation to show a COVID-19 free certificate was excluded for intercity train passengers who had received the third dose of COVID-19 vaccine (booster).

Then, continued Zulfikri, for children under the age of 6 years, they are exempt from vaccination provisions and must be accompanied by a travel companion who has met the requirements for vaccines and examinations.

"As for intercity train passengers who have certain health conditions that make it impossible to receive the vaccine, they are required to be able to show a negative result of the RT-PCR test and attach a doctor's certificate from the Government Hospital regarding the health condition in question," he explained.

Third, intercity train passengers are required to have the PeduliLindung application as a travel requirement.

"The use of the PeduliLindung application is still mandatory for all train passengers. This provision is in line with the rules issued by the COVID-19 Task Force as an effort to prevent the spread of the virus," he said.

Furthermore, Zulfikri said that SE 39 of 2022 also regulates travelers who use commuter trains in agglomeration areas or areas.

"Commuter train passengers are not required to show a COVID-19 free certificate but are required to use the PeduliLindung application," he said.

Meanwhile, continued Zulfikri, for those who are unable to show the PeduliLindung application, they are required to show a COVID-19 vaccine certificate, at least the first dose.

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