JAKARTA - The Kupang City Government appealed to the public not to worry about the scarcity of cooking oil, because supplies in various retail stores are still available.

"We have checked in the field that cooking oil stocks are still available and there are plenty of them in shops and supermarkets, so there is no need to panic too much," said Head of Industry and Trade of Kupang City Alfred Laka Bela in Kupang, quoted from Antara, Monday, April 4.

Alfred said that the city government had also coordinated with distributors in the provincial capital so that the people's cooking oil needs were available, especially during the pre-Easter period and during the fasting month.

In addition, the municipal government has even planned to order and bring in cooking oil from outside the region to meet the needs of the community, especially in this fasting month.

"Don't be provoked by the rumors circulating in the community about the scarcity of cooking oil because it will certainly cause panic among people to shop for cooking oil," he added.

Based on current monitoring, a number of supermarkets still have some cooking oil, but with a size of two liters with brands that are not too familiar.

Meanwhile, Bimoli cooking oil, for example, does not appear to be sold in the market, because according to several traders, oil has not been sold since the beginning of last month.

"It's been empty for a long time. So far, we only sell cooking oil with ordinary brands at quite expensive prices," added Elias at the Naikoten market in Kupang, which is the reference market for basic needs prices.

Elias said that the price of packaged cooking oil now reaches Rp. 25,000 per liter. However, the price varies depending on the brand. Meanwhile, bulk cooking oil, both in Naikoten market and Oeba market, is rarely sold in traditional markets.

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