BEKASI - The Bekasi Regency Government, West Java has started rolling out a program to repair 2,500 uninhabitable houses (rutilahu) using this year's regional budget of IDR 50 billion.

"Starting from today the uninhabitable houses will be repaired. Simultaneously in all sub-districts with a total of 2,500 houses spread across 23 sub-districts," said Bekasi Regent Acting (Plt) Akhmad Marjuki after handing over routine assistance to residents in Muktiwari Village, Cibitung District. Bekasi Regency, Antara, Tuesday, March 29.

He explained that the house improvement program was carried out evenly in all villages with a number of around 15 houses per village which had been declared eligible for repair through a number of verification stages.

"Now it's started symbolically and is being worked on immediately. I ask for prayers so that this plan will touch and benefit the community. I myself will be attending to monitor the repair process because I want to know how it will turn out after it is repaired later," said Akhmad Marjuki.

The Acting Head of the Bekasi Regency Public Housing, Settlement and Land Office, Nur Chaidir, added that the residential repair program is one of the Bekasi Regency Government's priority programs.

Based on the Bekasi Regency Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) 2017-2022, the Bekasi Regency Government targets the repair of 5,000 rutilahu. The number is targeted to be completed this year.

"This is part of the completion of the priority programs contained in the RPJMD. This year we have completed 2,500 routines," he said.

He said each house received Rp. 20 million in assistance, which was used to purchase building materials of Rp. 17.5 million and Rp. 2.5 million for handyman services.

He admitted that this routine improvement was only a stimulant. Beneficiaries can add points of improvement so that they get perfect results. "So this is a stimulant. If people have more sustenance, they can add more so that maybe the houses that are repaired are better," he said.

This routine repair program is intended for residents whose houses are very unfit. Residents can apply through the village or sub-district government.

"But, of course, we verified the truth of the data in the field. Because not a few who after being verified turned out to be a good house, we immediately crossed it out," he said.

According to him, the local government's homework related to this program is still quite large, although massive improvements continue to be carried out. Based on the Integrated Database (BDT) of the Bekasi Regency Social Service, there are still 20,000 households that need repairs.

"So there is still a lot to improve. However, from the results of the verification, the improvements will be carried out in stages," said Nur Chairir.

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