JAKARTA - PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BNI) has completed compiling a Bank Business Plan (RBB) for the 2022 performance year. Although considering challenging economic conditions, both at domestic and global levels, the bank with the stock code BBNI remains that overall The company's performance will improve this year.

For example, in terms of credit performance, BNI is quite confident by setting a growth target in the range of seven to 10 percent. That means, with a record that BNI's corporate loan disbursement in 2021 was IDR 287.4 trillion by the end of the year, this year BNI is eyeing an acquisition rate of up to IDR 316.14 trillion for the same business niche.

"As for the net interest margin ratio (NIM) we are targeting in the range of 4.6 - 4.8 percent, and the cost of credit reaches 2 to 2.3 percent. Everything is included in the 2022 RBB that we compiled," said BNI's Finance Director, Novita Widya Anggraini, at the company's press conference, in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 15.

According to Novita, BNI predicts that the global economy will improve this year, where based on global consensus, world economic growth will grow four percent in 2022 and then 3.5 percent in 2023.

This positive projection is in line with the increasing number of people who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in almost all countries. Even in some developed countries such as the United States, Britain, Australia, and Singapore, COVID-19 is considered a common cold.

With these conditions, it is estimated that the wheels of the world economy will be much better compared to 2021.

"In fact, we can see that global companies that had been on hiatus for two years are now starting to run again. Investments will already be made, and the economic recovery will be seen in the manufacturing sector," said Novita.

Therefore, BNI called Novita optimistic that the positive sentiment at the international level will also help BNI's foreign business, with 76 overseas branch offices that can be relied on in optimizing the export of Indonesian products, such as in the commercial, corporate and MSME segments.

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