JAKARTA - PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk (BNBR) CEO Anindya Novyan Bakrie said PT Vector Mobiliti Indonesia (VKTR), a business entity formed by PT Bakrie Autoparts, officially entered into a strategic partnership with the Indonesian bodybuilder company, Tri Sakti. This is the first step for VKTR in an effort to develop the electric vehicle (EV) industry ecosystem in Indonesia.

"With this collaboration, we officially open a special industrial facility for manufacturing electric buses, the first in Indonesia, with technological assistance from BYD Auto, a company from China," said Anindya at the inauguration of a strategic partnership between VKTR (Bakrie Group) and other companies. Tri Sakti body with BYD Auto in producing electric buses, in Magelang, Central Java, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 17.

According to him, the electric bus program launched by his company has gone through long and rigorous trials in several cities, such as those carried out in Bali, Jakarta, Aceh, Bogor, and Magelang, all of which have yielded results that are very suitable for road operation.

"In the near future there will be at least 30 electric buses that we produce soon to circulate in Jakarta and operated by TransJakarta and that number will increase," he said adding that cooperation with the domestic manufacturing industry was indeed one of the ways his party took to meet the TKDN target (Level of Domestic Content) manufactured products.

On the same occasion, the Director-General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Budi Setiyadi said the government strongly supports the private sector in producing electric buses as a means of mass transportation through a number of regulations to accelerate the non-fossil fuel concept vehicle.

"The government is intensifying the use and campaign for the use of electric vehicles and buses. Of course, the Ministry of Transportation is very supportive and encourages what Bakrie Autoparts is doing, which produces electric buses as mass transportation," said Budi.

According to Budi, a number of regulations that have been issued by the government include Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 55 of 2019 concerning the Acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric Vehicle Program on August 12, 2019. Presidential Regulation 55/2019 is the initial regulation, which is referred to as the legal umbrella for Indonesian electric vehicles.

Also Government Regulation (PP) Number 73 of 2019 concerning Taxable Goods Classified as Luxury in the Form of Motorized Vehicles Subject to Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM). In addition, the Minister of Transportation Regulation (Permenhub) Number 45 of 2020 concerning Certain Vehicles Using Electric Motor Drives is also.

"Almost all ministries and institutions have compiled regulations and concepts related to the acceleration of electric vehicles. We from the Ministry of Transportation have also issued a number of regulations to support the Bakrie Group in accelerating the use of electric vehicles," said Budi.

Data from the Ministry of Transportation shows that until February 15, 2022, the Type Test Certificate (SUT) of electric vehicles reached 145, while the Type Test Registration Certificate (SRUT) of electric vehicles was 15.704.

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