JAKARTA - PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk. (BNI) is said to be preparing a new expansion plan by targeting the opening of an overseas branch office (KCLN) in Los Angeles, United States.

Director of Treasury and International BNI Henry Panjaitan said this effort is a strategic step in spurring the company's performance in countries that are considered potential.

"Besides the United States, several other countries in Asia, Australia and the Middle East will also be the next targets. Of course, the existence of this business is a manifestation as a representative bank of Indonesia in the global arena," he said in an official statement on Thursday, February 10.

According to Henry, the expansion of international networks as well as the creation of an overseas business ecosystem is a strategic plan for the international expansion of 2022.

"BNI's main international business comes from trade finance and remittances, which in these two segments were able to grow very well during the economic recovery period last year," he said.

Henry explained, in line with the momentum for the reversal of Indonesia's foreign trade performance in 2021, BNI's export trade volume grew in the range of 76.73 percent with import trade volume rising 120.41 percent.

In fact, this state-owned bank said that the acceleration of performance growth was higher than the growth in the volume of national trade which reached 41.88 percent for exports and 38.59 percent for imports.

This has also encouraged an increase in fee-based income or trade fee-based income (FBI) for the 2021 period, up by 7.46 percent on an annual basis or year-on-year (yoy).

“Trade growth was supported by new customer acquisition activities from the corporate and commercial segments. In addition, BNI Trade Online services as a digital solution are also increasingly in demand by customers, as reflected by the large addition of users, which was around 79.71 percent last year," he said.

According to VOI records, the banking entity with the stock code BBNI succeeded in scoring a net profit of IDR 10.89 trillion in 2021. This score jumped significantly by 232.2 percent compared to the 2020 period yoy.

"The achievement of this net profit was generated from Operational Income Before Reserves (PPOP) which grew strongly 14.8 percent yoy to reach Rp31.06 trillion," said BNI President Director Royke Tumilaar as reported by the editorial some time ago.

Furthermore, in terms of intermediation, it was supported by distribution in the business banking sector, especially financing to the private corporate segment, which grew 7.6 percent to Rp180.4 trillion. Overall credit in the business banking sector grew 4.5 percent yoy to Rp482.4 trillion.

Meanwhile in the consumer sector, the largest credit growth was contributed by payroll credit, which rose 18.3 percent yoy to Rp35.8 trillion. Then followed by mortgage growth 7.7 percent to Rp49.6 trillion. Overall credit to this sector jumped 10.1 percent to Rp99 trillion.

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