JAKARTA - The Ministry of Investment / Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) recorded that investment realization in 2021 reached Rp901.02 trillion. The figure is dominated by foreign investment (PMA).

Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia said that the realization of the investment in 2021 exceeded the target given by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) of IDR 900 trillion.

"This means that we have exceeded the president's target. Thank God, I thank those who support us," he said, in a virtual press conference, Thursday, January 27.

For your information, the target given by Jokowi in 2021 is IDR 900 trillion. Meanwhile, the RPJMN target is IDR 864 trillion. Thus, this realization reached 104 percent of the RPJMN and 101 percent of Jokowi's target.

Bahlil admits that achieving this investment realization target is not an easy thing. Moreover, last year the economy was still faced with a pandemic situation and there was even a PPKM in July to August due to the increase in COVID-19 cases.

"It's not easy, I can honestly say it's not easy. We have to make out-of-the-ordinary strategies," he said.

From this achievement, the realization of foreign investment (PMA) throughout 2021 amounted to Rp454.0 trillion or grew by 10 percent and domestic investment (PMDN) of Rp.447.0 trillion, up 8.1 percent year on year or yoy.

"We must be proud because although the global situation has not fully recovered, we can grow 10 percent (PMA) and the PMDN is quite good," he said.

Bahlil said that the dominant contribution of PMA proves that the Job Creation Act has a positive impact on the investment climate in Indonesia.

"We have to admit that our foreign direct investment is good. This is a positive sentiment from foreigners towards the implementation of the Job Creation Law and we must maintain this trend," he said.

The absorption of labor from the realization of this investment reached 1,207,893 people. However, according to Bahlil, there are still indirect workers who are absorbed between 3 and 4 times so that the total can reach 5 million people.

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