JAKARTA - The Public Company (Perum) Logistics Business Entity (Bulog) for the Province of Central Sulawesi (Sulteng), continues to work around the availability of cooking oil both in the market and in partnership distributors.
According to the Head of the Central Sulawesi Bulog Regional Office (Kanwil), David Susanto, the tactic was carried out so that no parties intentionally held back or waited for cooking oil stocks to run low.
"Although we don't have a special technical assignment yet, we are still monitoring it to balance it so that this cooking oil doesn't run out in the market or in the existing partnerships at our Food House (RPK)," said Head of the Central Sulawesi Bulog Regional Office, David Susanto, quoted by Antara. from Antara, Thursday 27 January.
Until now, his supply of cooking oil is still very limited, so he is still prioritizing existing partnerships.
It also has not been able to confirm the addition of stock from the central Bulog in Jakarta. In general, Bulog is still looking for the right formula with the government to be assigned to make it easier for people to get cooking oil easily, at an affordable price.
"Don't wait until later when we add stock here it will disrupt price stability, so we are still in our efforts to avoid a shortage of cooking oil stocks," he explained.
He said the high price of crude palm oil (CPO) made it difficult to find cheap cooking oil. Therefore, his party has not been involved in the distribution process of cheap cooking oil provided by producers at a price of Rp. 14,000 per liter.
"But what is certain is that the Bulog price will be cheaper later because that is our job," he concluded.
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