JAKARTA - The price of cooking oil in a number of supermarkets in Temanggung Regency, Central Java, has matched the highest retail price (HET) of Rp. 14,000 per liter, but in traditional markets there are still many that sell above HET.

"The government is giving leeway for traders in traditional markets to sell cooking oil above Rp. 14,000 per liter until January 25, 2022," said Head of the Temanggung Regency Cooperative, Trade and UKM Service, Sri Haryanto in Temanggung, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, January 25.

He said that if on January 26, 2022, they still sell above HET, the trader will receive a warning letter. The hope is that traders can obey the rules by selling cooking oil according to HET.

His party continues to monitor the price of cooking oil in the market, both in traditional and modern markets. Monitoring is also related to distribution and availability.

A trader at Kliwon Market, Ifah, said that he still sells cooking oil above government standards because wholesale prices are already high.

"Traders don't want to lose. We are waiting for developments while selling the existing stock of cooking oil at the old price," he said.

The manager of the Laris Temanggung supermarket, Welly, said that his party had sold cooking oil according to the regulations after the government's instruction was issued regarding the price of cooking oil at Rp. 14,000 per liter.

"There is no panic buying of cooking oil purchases here and we limit our purchases to a maximum of two liters so that it is evenly distributed," he said.

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