JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir announced that he would form a subholding under PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) or PLN. He ensured that organizational changes within PLN would not reduce the number of employees.

Furthermore, Erick said that the formation of the holding actually has the potential to add employees. Erick also said that the capacity of these employees would also be increased in terms of digitization.

"We also ensure that the workforce at PLN must be upgraded, its quality improved. It must be technology literate. But that doesn't mean that PLN will let go of employees, which is a big mistake. In fact, its business is being developed. It might even be necessary to have additional employees," he said in a statement. press conference virtually, Wednesday, January 19.

Furthermore, Erick said that the addition of employees is possible because a subholding will be formed that takes care of business outside of electricity. Such as fiber optic, mobile, or wifi. This, he said, was because PLN had adequate infrastructure to work on businesses outside of electricity.

"In terms of outside of electricity, PLN also happens to have cables everywhere. We are also benchmarking in other countries. This independence can be increased, whether PLN is mobile, but still focusing on electricity service itself, not suddenly running to other businesses ," he explained.

As previously reported, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said the formation of this subholding was a form of transformation within PLN. The entire transition is targeted to be completed by 2025.

"We will complete the confirmation this year. Six months before the end of the year there will be a virtual holding. We hope for a full transition by 2025, if possible, as soon as 2024. It depends on the conditions of this transition," he said.

Currently, Erick said the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises and PLN are conducting benchmarking with big companies in the world, such as those in South Korea, Italy, France and Malaysia.

Erick explained that from the benchmarking, the policies to be taken regarding the establishment of holding and subholding PLN would be derived.

"We will spin off the power plant into its own subholding in this benchmarking. Then in that subholding, all power plants must make a massive transition to new and renewable energy (EBT)," he said.

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