JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Movement for the Life of Prosperous Communities (HMS), Hardjuno Wiwoho assesses that the Task Force for Handling State Claims for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI) in restoring the rights of the people from obligors has not worked optimally. This can be seen from the money or Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) and assets in the form of land which is only worth Rp. 9.82 trillion.

"So, if we talk about the target, it has not been met. The figure of Rp. 9.82 trillion has not reached 10 percent of the target of Rp. 110 trillion," said Hardjuno in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 19.

In fact, explained Hardjuno, the BLBI Task Force Team has been working effectively for a long time of around seven months.

"In these seven months, how much has been spent. It's not a small amount. If we compare the costs with the work of the BLBI Task Force, I don't think it's worth it," he added.

Hardjuno hopes that the BLBI Task Force Team will work harder. Moreover, the arrears of the obligation to pay the state debt for 22 years have enjoyed facilities from the state, so it is time for the money to be returned to the state treasury.

For this reason, Hardjuno hopes that the BLBI Task Force Team must have an accurate strategy. Thus, state money obtained through the BLBI facility can be returned to the state.

"Don't ask for Rp110 trillion, confiscate there, confiscate here, you only get Rp9.82 trillion. This is not significant," he added.

Hardjuno asked the BLBI Task Force Team to work more optimally. For this reason, the work of the BLBI Task Force is being pushed again.

"Don't let the public think that the BLBI Task Force is not working," he said.

Indeed, he admitted, the BLBI Task Force team still has space and time to pursue this figure of Rp110 trillion. Because, based on Presidential Decree Number VI of 2021, the validity period since the Presidential Decree is set, namely April 6, 2021 and will serve until December 31, 2023.

"But seeing the achievement of only Rp. 9.82 trillion, I feel sad," he said.

This is because the state budget money used to finance the BLBI Task Force Team is very large. Meanwhile, the results achieved by the BLBI Task Force are not significant.

"I ask the BLBI Task Force to re-invigorate the team's work. Moreover, the BLBI Task Force's tenure is very limited," he said.

Furthermore, he hopes that the DPD RI BLBI Special Committee should oversee the work of the BLBI Task Force. This is important so that the results obtained are in accordance with the expectations of the community.

"I ask the DPD RI BLBI Special Committee to supervise the performance of the BLBI Task Force so that the target figure of Rp110 trillion can be achieved," he concluded.

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