JAKARTA - The Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS), which was started on January 1, received a warm welcome from the public.

Based on the official broadcast of the Directorate General of Taxes, the Ministry of Finance, as of January 11, 2022, it is stated that the number of taxpayers (WP) participating in the PPS has reached 2,850 WP with 3,037 certificates.

Of them, the total assets disclosed amounted to Rp. 1.39 trillion. The amount consists of domestic declarations and repatriation funds of Rp. 1.18 trillion, foreign declarations of Rp. 129.4 billion and flows that enter the investment sector of Rp. 73.6 billion.

Meanwhile, income tax revenues (PPh) that entered the state treasury amounted to Rp. 167 billion.

Just so you know, in the previous VOI report, the value of PPh as of January 10 was recorded at Rp. 140.4 billion. This means that there has been a surge in state revenues from the PPS implementation of around Rp. 27 billion in just one day.

To note, the Voluntary Disclosure Program or also known as tax amnesty volume II is a tax amnesty scheme given by the state to taxpayers to disclose their assets by imposing lower fees.

This PPS is the second time it has been held after previously in 2016 the same program was implemented. PPS 2022 is scheduled to last until June 30.

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