JAKARTA - The phenomenon and the presence of equity crowdfunding providers continues to increase. As of the end of Semester 2021, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) noted that the number of registered equity crowdfunding operators and licensed by the OJK reached 7 organizers with a total of Rp362 billion of funds collected from 34,675 investors for 176 share issuers (SMEs).

PT Numex Teknologi Indonesia or LandX.id, is one of the leading equity crowdfunding companies. With its strategic plan, until the end of 2021, LandX managed to collect and distribute funds of up to Rp158.02 billion to all SMEs registered in the LandX crowdfunding system.

Founder and Chief Executive Officer of LandX.id, Andika Sutoro Putra said that his company's commitment to maintaining performance productivity is one way for LandX to stay at the forefront.

"Positive profit growth and high value investment are the basic things that his company has to be able to compete in this capital sector," Andika said in a written statement, Monday, January 3.

Andika explained, since being licensed by the OJK at the end of last year, the number of investors registered with LandX.id has reached more than 73,042 investors.

"Investors will receive dividends annually, with an estimated plan to be carried out in February," said Andika.

For information, there are currently 27 companies listed on LandX. And not a few companies also managed to receive joint funding of up to IDR 10 billion.

LandX continues to emphasize that people should only choose fintech Equity Crowdfunding (ECF) and project financing that are licensed and supervised by the OJK, and continue to improve product knowledge, potential profits, and risks in their investment choices.

During the pandemic, LandX invites the public to increase awareness in selecting ECF. For example, choosing only certain systems that run a long-term business or according to a tolerable risk profile.

In 2022, LandX will continue to expand into various sectors. Some of the businesses that have been listed include property, coal fertilizer factories, cloud kitchens, restaurants, beauty clinics, laundry, property agents, to facility service management companies.

In addition, in the coming year, LandX is targeting to upgrade its Securities Crowdfunding licensing to OJK.

"In the future, it is possible that LandX will expand to various other sectors, this momentum is also what drives us to try to increase prestige in the investment industry," said Andika.

Meanwhile, investing in LandX.id, according to Andika, is very easy. Prospective investors only need to download the LandX.id application on Google Play and the App Store, register and make investment transactions.

"Now that the entire system is digital-based, all funding information will be provided transparently. So investors don't have to worry about the velocity of their money," concluded Andika.

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