JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is building the Ameroro Dam to strengthen irrigation water supply and flood control in Southeast Sulawesi Province. The dam, which is located in Tamesandi Village, Konawe Regency, is targeted for completion of construction in 2023.

"The Ameroro Dam is one of three dams prepared to reduce the risk of flooding and increase the supply of irrigation water in South Sulawesi," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono, in a written statement received by VOI, Thursday, December 30.

The first dam is Ladongi with a capacity of 45.9 million m3 and an inundation area of 222 hectares will be used to reduce the risk of flooding by 176.62 m3/second and irrigate an irrigation area of 3,604 hectares.

Second, the Ameroro Dam has a capacity of 54.53 million m3 with an inundation area of 244.06 hectares. The three Pelosika Dams which will later dam the Konawe River and are currently still under preparation (review design).

The Ameroro Dam itself began work in 2020 at a state budget cost of Rp. 1.6 trillion. Currently, the construction progress has reached 26.82 percent with a target completion of 2023.

Basuki explained that the construction of the Ameroro Dam was carried out in two work packages, namely Package I by contractors PT Wijaya Karya-PT Sumber Cahaya Agung-PT Basuki Rahmanta Putra (KSO) and Package II PT Hutama Karya-PT Adhi Karya (KSO). This dam is designed with an embankment type which has a peak height of 82 meters, a dam length of 324 meters, and a width of 12 meters.

Furthermore, Basuki said the Ameroro Dam was also included in the list of National Strategic Projects (PSN) according to Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 109 of 2020 to increase the number of water reservoirs in Southeast Sulawesi in order to support food security and water availability programs.

As a buffer zone for Kendari City as the capital of Southeast Sulawesi, Konawe Regency is expected to continue to develop, one of which is through the development of the nickel industry as well as the agricultural, fishery and livestock sectors that require raw water sourced from dams.

"Completion of the Ameroro Dam is projected to meet the raw water needs of 511 liters/second," he said.

Basuki said another benefit is by managing the water flow of the Lasolo Konaweha River which is then accommodated by a dam to be used as an irrigation service covering an area of 3,363 hectares and reducing flooding in the downstream area by 443.3 m3/second.

In addition, it also has the potential as a source of 1.3 Megawatt Micro-hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) and 8.2 Megawatt Solar Power Plant (PLTS) as well as new tourist destinations in Konawe Regency.

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