JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani may be proud of the performance of her staff for this year. This is because a number of indicators show a positive trend, especially in terms of state revenues.

There is no shortfall story this time. The state's main income from the tax sector has hit the target. As of December 26, 2021, the record tax revenue is Rp. 1,231.87 trillion, equivalent to 100.19 percent of the provisions of the 2021 State Budget Act which amounted to Rp. 1,229.6 trillion.

This success seems to be a thirst quencher after more than a decade the tax revenue target has always shot up from the set. Special appreciation may be given to employees at the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) in accordance with the mandate of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 35 of 2015 concerning Employee Performance Allowances in the Directorate General of Taxes.

Apart from this, VOI found five unique things about Sri Mulyani Cs' success in achieving this year's tax target. The following is a summary of the editorial for readers.

1. Pandemic Era

The tax sector's moncer book this time can be said to be an anomaly. This is because tax revenues that penetrate 100 percent actually occur in the pandemic era. At least in the last 10 years never once has the tax target been achieved.

Investigate a calibaration, this situation is caused by two things. First, the business sector has started to move after previously being severely depressed due to COVID-19. This condition is also an important indicator of economic recovery so that the state can collect taxes from the business world.

Then the second is the occurrence of an explosion in demand for commodities or commonly called a commodity boom. As a leading commodity exporting country, Indonesia has benefited from increased foreign demand, such as palm oil and coal.

The surge in exports has helped to raise government funds in the taxation sector and also levies on Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP).

2. Achieved before closing

One thing that is encouraging is that the tax book hitting the target occurred before the set deadline arrived. This can be seen from reports up to December 26, 2021, which have exceeded 100 percent of the set ceiling.

3. Crack the 12 year old egg

After waiting for more than a decade, the tax target was finally achieved. This achievement last occurred in 2008 ago. This means that it will take up to 12 years to realize the tax revenue target in accordance with the APBN Law.

At that time, the tax was successful at IDR 571 trillion or 106 percent of the target set at IDR 535 trillion in the 2008 State Budget.

4. Sri Mulyani in the SBY era

The success of the government in gaining positive results cannot be separated from the hard fruit of the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani in preparing the APBN. Not only this year. In 2008, Sri Mulyani became the most important person in preparing state finances.

It was the first time he served as Minister of Finance during the leadership of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). The glorious tax performance cannot be separated from the setting of the sunset policy which regulates the issue of eliminating tax administration sanctions.

5. So Sri Mulyani's last achievement?

After waiting 12 years, the government has finally succeeded in realizing 100 percent of tax revenues in 2021. This achievement was made by the same figure, namely Finance Minister Sri Mulyani during President Joko Widodo's tenure.

It is estimated that the journey of tax collection in the future will be more challenging. This can be seen from the trend of commodity prices which are starting to approach their fundamental levels. Not to mention the uncertainty that is expected to continue due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the renewal of monetary policy in developed countries.

So, will this be Sri Mulyani's last achievement as Minister of Finance? Considering that in 2024, it is certain that there will be a change of government followed by a reshuffle of the composition of the cabinet.

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