JAMBI - PT Rajawali Nusindo through its subsidiary PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (RNI) collaborated with RSUD Raden Mattaher to build an Integrated Clinical Pathology Laboratory.

This is in order to improve the quality of public health services, especially in meeting the needs of an integrated clinical pathology laboratory in the city of Jambi.

This collaboration was marked by the inauguration of the Total Lab Solution or the integrated clinical pathology laboratory at Raden Mattaher Hospital on Saturday, December 25.

Director of PT Rajawali Nusindo, Iskak Putra, said that with this collaboration, it is hoped that his party can continue to contribute in providing high quality laboratory equipment services to the entire community in general, especially for the people of Jambi.

He said, laboratory services provided to the Jambi community were able to provide optimal examinations ranging from 24-hour service, completeness of examinations in the field of clinical pathology, to the process and waiting time for laboratory results that were faster and could serve the needs of the Jambi community both preventive, diagnostic and curative. and Rehabilitation.

"PT Rajawali Nusindo acts as an operational cooperation partner providing laboratory equipment, renovating laboratory rooms, while Raden Mattaher Jambi Regional Hospital prepares professional medical personnel. International standard laboratories," said Iskak in an official statement, Saturday, December 25. revenue sharing while the investment allocated for the provision and management of an integrated clinical laboratory is Rp 8 billion.

Safety procedures are prioritized to maintain the accuracy of the results. The facilities offered by this lab, for example, LIS is an Information System Laboratory that has been integrated between the tools in the Lab, then there is a sampling room for fertility checks in addition, occupational safety and health (K3) tools to anticipate chemical substances exposed to the body, smoke detectors, as well as fire extinguisher (APAR).

"With the inauguration of the integrated laboratory at Raden Mattaher Jambi Hospital, it is expected to increase Rajawali Nusindo's consolidated revenue. As is known in 2020, PT Rajawali Nusindo has a turnover of Rp. 3.7 trillion, while in 2021, the target is to increase to Rp. 3.9 trillion. This shows that the company is developing so aggressively and can be trusted, "said Iskak

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