JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) or PLN has succeeded in completing 50 electricity infrastructure projects worth Rp. 8.8 trillion throughout 2021. The completion of these projects will strengthen the reliability of electricity supply to DKI Jakarta, Banten and parts of West Java.

The 50 infrastructure projects included in the national strategic project consist of 26 substation projects with a total capacity of 1,380 MVA, 23 transmission lines along 271.5 km, and a power plant with a capacity of 171 MW.

Director of Mega Projects and New Renewable Energy at PLN, Wiluyo Kusdwiharto, explained that despite the pandemic, PLN would continue to develop electricity for the sake of reliable electricity supply for customers.

Furthermore, Wiluyo said that this electricity infrastructure is the main capital for the recovery of the national economy.

"Although a number of projects have been hit by various problems, PLN continues to be committed to completing the construction of these projects in line with the government's nawacita. We should appreciate this," he said in a written statement received by VOI, Thursday, December 23.

General Manager of PLN UIP West Java, Ratnasari Sjamsuddin said that all of these projects have four main objectives that are in line with PLN's corporate goals, namely increasing electricity supply to the community, increasing the reliability of the electrical system, being a driving force for the community's economy, development and industry, and reduction in the cost of supplying electricity (BPP).

"Where are these goals to realize the vision of becoming the Leading Electricity Company in Southeast Asia and #1 Customer Choice for Energy Solutions," explained Ratnasari.

Ratnasari continued, the operation of these strategic projects has had a major impact on economic and business centers. Not only that, the presence of this electricity infrastructure is also to support a number of government programs such as Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) phase 2, expansion of Soekarno Hatta Airport.

"It also supports the reliability of electricity supply in the ring 1 area of the Indonesian capital as well as the community and industry in DKI Jakarta, Banten and parts of West Java," he explained.

Ratnasari said that the challenges in implementing development were inevitably faced by PLN. For example, some locations are in the middle of densely populated urban areas, requiring PLN to be extra careful so as not to interfere with mobility.

On the other hand, there are also projects being carried out in quite remote areas, so that accessing materials to the location is a challenge in itself. However, with reliable Human Resources (HR) plus the use of qualified technology, the project was successfully completed safely.

Meanwhile, in welcoming the digital era and industrial revolution 4.0, PLN succeeded in building the first full digital substation in Indonesia, namely the 150 kV Sepatan II Digital Substation (GID), which was officially energized on 29 November.

This Digital Substation has used advanced technology, is safer, lower in carbon, and more environmentally friendly. The use of the latest technology with fiber optic cables that reduces the use of copper cables by up to 80 percent, which can fully be operated remotely and without an operator via the internet network.

On the other hand, PLN also noted the successful completion of the 500 kV Balaraja-Kembangan SUTET project. With a fantastic number of towers and a transmission length of 157 towers with a total length of 94.38 kms, the 500 kV Balaraja-Kembangan SUTET aims to distribute electrical energy from PLTU Jawa 7 with a capacity of 2 x 1,000 MW to the Java-Bali electricity system.

Especially for the Cikupa-Kembangan Section itself, it has used the first compact lattice tower design in Indonesia. The use of this type of tower aims to optimize the existing land because it uses the existing 150 kV line. This project is very strategic because it can save the basic cost of electricity supply up to Rp 10 trillion per year.

PLN seeks to optimize the work that can be done in a virtual format, such as online supervision from engineers in their respective countries of origin, related to warranty equipment.

"Hopefully the spirit of optimism and our hard work to illuminate the country in 2021 can be enjoyed by all people, and also support the wheels of the Indonesian economy, for Bright Indonesia, Tough Indonesia!," concluded Ratnasari.

List of strategic projects

The 50 strategic projects that have been successfully completed during 2021 include:


1. GID 150 kV Sepatan II;2. GI 150 kV Indonesia Torray Synthetics (ITS);3. GI 150 kV Multi Nabati Asahan (MNA);4. GI 150 kV Gunung Mulia Steel (GMS);5. GI Summit 150 kV Sinar Sahabat;6. Ext. GI 150 kV Sinar Sahabat;7. Ext. GISTET 500 kV Kembangan;8. Ext. GIS 150 kV Antasari;9. GIS 150 kV Gambir Lama II;10. Ext GIS 150 kV Poncol Baru II;11. GIS 150 kV New Senayan;12. GIS 150 kV Senayan Baru II;13. GIS 150 kV Cipinang II/Jatinegara;14. GIS 150 kV Kebon Sirih II;15. GIS 150 kV Muara Karang New;16. GIS 150 kV Pulo Gadung II;17. Ext. 2 LB GIS 150 kV Grogol;18. GIS 150 kV Tomang;19. Ext. GIS 150 kV Cowshed;20. Ext. GIS 150 kV Milling;21. GIS 150 kV Mill II/Rawa Kuning;22. Ext. GI Tangerang Baru II; 23. GI 150 kV Tangerang Baru II;24. Ext. GI 150 kV Rangkasbitung II;25. GI 150 kV Bunar Baru;26. Ext. GI 150 kV Sepatan.


1. SKTET 500 kV New Suralaya - Old Suralaya;2. SUTET 500 kV Balaraja - Kembangan;3. SUTT 150 kV ITS – Inc. (Tangerang Baru – Cengkareng II);4. SUTT 150 kV MNA - Inc. (Cilegon Baru – Cilegon Baru II);5. SUTT 150 kV Sinar Sahabat - Inc. (Habitat Image - Legok);6. SUTT 150 kV PLTU Lontar - Tangerang Baru III;7. SUTT 150 kV Tangerang Baru II - Tangerang Baru III;8 .SUTT 150 kV Tangerang Baru II - Inc. (Balaraja - Suvarna Sutera);9. SUTT 150 kV Bunar Baru - Rangkasbitung II;10. SUTT 150 kV Sepatan II - Sepatan;11. SUTT 150 kV Kebon Sirih II - Inc. (Old Gambir - Pulo Mas);12. SUTT 150 kV Muara Karang New - Incomer;13. SUTT 150 kV Pulogadung II - Incomer;14. SUTT 150 kV Poncol Baru II - Poncol Baru;15. SKTT 150 kV Gambir Lama II - Inc.;16. SKTT 150 kV Senayan Baru II - New Senayan;17. SKTT 150 kV Plumpang - Cow Cage;18. SKTT 150 kV Cipinang II/Jatinegara - Pulo Gadung II;19. SKTT 150 kV CSW II/Antasari - Inc. (Durentiga - Kemang);20. SKTT 150 kV Pulo Gadung II - Pulo Gadung;21. SKTT 150 kV Tomang - Grogol;22. SKTT 150 kV Mill II/Rawa Kuning - Mill;23. Relocation of SKTT 150 kV Ketapang - Mangga Besar.


1. Commercial Operation Date (COD) PLTGU Muara Karang Steam Turbine 3.0.

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