JAKARTA - The Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI)/Indonesia Eximbank as the Special Mission Vehicle (SMV) of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance continues to carry out its mandate in increasing national exports of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) both from financial and non-financial aspects, such as the creation of new exporters, especially in Solo and surrounding areas.

In supporting MSMEs to become exporters, LPEI together with the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) and the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) signed a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) to inaugurate the Solo Export House (RES).

The signing of this PKS was carried out by Muhamad Purwantoro (Head of the Central Java and DIY DJBC Regional Offices) representing DJBC, Ninik Martini (Head of LPEI Regional Office II) representing LPEI, and Slamet Sutantyo (Head of Central Java Regional Tax Office II) representing DGT. Meanwhile, the inauguration ceremony of RES was symbolically carried out by Teguh Prakosa, Deputy Mayor of Solo.

The establishment of the Solo Export House started from a slowdown in national economic growth, a decline in state revenues, an increase in state spending and financing, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Facing the challenges of some of these problems, DJBC, LPEI and DGT took the initiative to synergize and collaborate in providing full support to MSMEs in the Surakarta area and its surroundings in an effort to develop business, especially in marketing to foreign markets. The spirit of positive synergy and collaboration is then poured into PKS as a guide for the operation of the RES program.

Plt. LPEI Executive Director Suminto in his remarks stated that in the RES program, LPEI will provide the latest information on export markets, world needs and open markets for leading commodities that have the potential to be exported from all over Indonesia. Moreover, LPEI as the Special Mission Vehicle (SMV) of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, will carry out its mandate in increasing national exports and creating new exporters such as in Solo and its surroundings.

"The momentum for the inauguration of the RES which is close to Mother's Day will further increase the role of women or mothers in the SME sector, especially those that are export-oriented," Suminto said in a statement quoted on Thursday, December 23.

With the Solo Export House, it is hoped that MSME actors can be facilitated in their business development, obtain opportunities and convenience in obtaining loans, especially those related to export activities and obtain various facilities according to their business needs. The rapid development of world export and import activities is expected to open up wider trade opportunities and pave the way for the export of various commodities from Indonesia to the rest of the world.

Slamet Sutantyo as the Head of the Central Java II DJP Regional Office also stated that he would fully support the formation of the Solo Export House. According to him, DGT will provide services and information about taxation at the Solo Export House. In addition, DGT will also collaborate with several flagship programs for the empowerment of MSMEs, namely Business Development Services (BDS) as well as various trainings on taxation that can support the development of MSMEs, especially in this case those that are export-oriented.

"DGT will provide various tax incentives that can be utilized and used by MSMEs, especially considering the current Covid-19 pandemic," he said.

This hybrid event was attended by officials within the Ministry of Finance, particularly from the Directorate General of Customs and Taxes, as well as from officials within the LPEI/Indonesia Eximbank. It was also attended by regional heads in the Solo Raya area, heads of related offices, representatives from MSMEs, and several other relevant agencies that support the implementation of this RES program.

In the event, the Director General of Customs and Excise, Askolani also enlivened by giving a keynote speech and a talk show with the theme "Mother, Leading Business Inspiration for the Works of Exporters of Solo Raya". In the talkshow, representatives from MSMEs were also present who also gave testimonies regarding the initial collaboration of the three agencies and how they had received assistance in their export activities so far.

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