JAKARTA - The Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI) or Indonesia Eximbank collaborated with the Nusa Gastromy Foundation to provide training for salt farmers in Kusamba Village, Klungkung Regency, Bali.

Head of the LPEI Consulting Services Division Gerald Setiawan Grisanto said Kusamba Village is the 26th Foreign Exchange Village included in one of the government's focuses.

"Through the Foreign Exchange Village Program, we want to help prepare prospective exporters to meet global market demand according to product standards while increasing capacity in terms of management and production techniques," he said in an official statement, quoted on Saturday, December 25.

According to Gerald, the programs that will be provided include training on the production of Bali sea salt rub, aspects of branding and digitization, participating in trade fairs, business matching, and also assisting in product certification management.

"This program creates jobs, improves family welfare and helps improve the local economy," he said.

For information, LPEI is a special mission vehicle (SMV) of the Ministry of Finance which has a mandate to accelerate the increase in national exports.

Meanwhile, the Tourism Village Program started in 2019 starting with the Cocoa Foreign Exchange Village Cluster in Bali and the Craft Foreign Exchange Village in Bantul, Yogyakarta. Currently, the two foreign exchange villages have been able to export sustainably to European countries.

Until November 2021, the total beneficiaries of this program have reached 2,894 people targeting farmers, weavers, craftsmen and in the future it will continue to grow.

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