JAKARTA - Cilegon City is second in Banten Province, after Tangerang City, in terms of efforts to eradicate open defecation (BABS) or Open Defecation Free (ODF). Data from the Cilegon City Health Service stated that out of 43 sub-districts, 38 sub-districts had declared STOP open defecation.

Private parties, such as PT Indo Raya Tenaga (IRT) and others also support the achievement of the target by 2022, that 5 urban villages can immediately declare the same effort.

"In addition to the government's role, this latrine program also receives support from the private sector, for example in activities in the Lebakgede area, there is PT Indo Raya Tenaga, and other industries that have provided financial support for the construction of latrines for the community," explained Sam'un, from the Sector Public Health Cilegon City Health Office, in the declaration of STOP open defecation in the Cipala neighborhood, Lebakgede Village, Pulomerak District, Cilegon City, Monday, December 20 yesterday.

He emphasized that the community's healthy lifestyle must also start from oneself and the surrounding environment. These include not throwing sanitary napkins in the septic tank, stopping open defecation, washing hands with soap, treating mineral drinking water hygienically, managing waste properly, and managing liquid waste safely.

He emphasized that the Cilegon City Government is trying to fulfill the sanitation facilities as soon as possible. And, the private sector is also appreciated for their commitment to help, just like PT IRT.

"The City Government of Cilegon, since 1999 has implemented a latrine program for the community, and until now the program continues to be promoted, although it has not been 100 percent," said Sam'un.

The Head of Lebakgede Village, Suwandi, said on the same occasion that the Cipala neighborhood is located in the highest residential area in Lebakgede Village. Previously, he said, there were 88 houses that did not have latrines, but over time, construction of 40 latrines has been realized.

"Alhamdulillah, the company has helped realize 40 houses with latrines. The other 48 have not and it is hoped that all of them can be realized by 2022. With a budget of one unit of Rp. 1.1 million, one unit of latrine can be realized. Indeed, apart from assistance from the company, the community is also carrying out construction latrines by mutual cooperation," said Suwandi.

Meanwhile, from PT IRT, Indra Priatna said, in this activity, Indo Raya Tenaga together with Doosan and Hutama Karya, who were involved in the construction of the Java 9&10 PLTU, had provided 20 latrine points spread across the Lebakgede area and many more in other urban villages. PT IRT also took part in the STOP open defecation declaration in Suralaya.

"This assistance program is part of the company's commitment to the surrounding community, and it is hoped that this assistance can be useful for the community," said Indra.

Previously, in Suralaya Sub-district, the verification of this sanitation facility had been carried out. Of the 3,023 families in the area that is next door to Lebakgede, 49 of them are still open defecation. For them, CSR assistance was carried out by PLTU Suralaya 1-10, including Indo Raya Tenaga. Now, 100 percent of families in this area already have a latrine.

According to UNICEF, poor sanitation accounts for 88 percent of child deaths from diarrhea worldwide. Not to mention, the threat of stunting or stunted growth is also influenced by the quality of sanitation.

And, sanitation issues are still a thorny issue in Banten Province, which is estimated at around 30 thousand residents who defecate openly (BABS). have no latrine.

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