JAKARTA - Showing excellent service, Polda Metro Jaya appreciates Bank DKI services. This appreciation was conveyed directly by the Kapolda Metro Jaya Inspector General Fadil Imran during his visit to the Bank DKI Service Office located at the Polda Metro Jaya Integrated Police Center (SPKT) building, Friday 17 December.

Specifically, Fadil appreciated the two Bank DKI security guards named Sandi Salahudin and Wahyudin who were on duty at the Bank DKI Service Office at the Polda Metro Jaya Samsat Outlet because they were considered friendly to taxpayers who wanted to pay their taxes at the service office.

"I want to learn how to be able to serve well, can have this neat hair, can be shiny, it's okay to study with security guards," said Fadil in his written statement.

The praise given by Fadil did not stop there. Fadil said he wanted to learn from Bank DKI security guards on how to serve well.

"Don't take photos together. I want to learn, how can I serve that well, how?” said Fadil.

For appreciation from the Kapolda Metro Jaya, Fadil Imran for the services of Bank DKI at the Samsat Polda Metro Jaya, on behalf of the Management of Bank DKI, the Corporate Secretary of Bank DKI expressed his gratitude to Polda Metro Jaya.

"This appreciation is a trigger for our enthusiasm to continue to improve services to our customers," said Herry.

Regarding the news regarding the Bank DKI system, Herry said that the case of burglary at Bank DKI ATMs worth Rp. 50 billion occurred in 2019. For this incident, Bank DKI immediately reported this case to Shareholders, OJK and BPK.

Furthermore, for this case, Bank DKI has reported the perpetrators to the Polda Metro Jaya to be processed according to the applicable law. The perpetrators have been detained at the Polda Metro Jaya and the case file by the Polda Metro Jaya has been submitted to the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office and the trial of the perpetrators of the burglary is currently underway.

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