JAKARTA - Subholding Pertamina, PT PGN Tbk, won the BUMN Branding & Marketing Award 2021 (BBMA 2021) organized by BUMN Track.

This award is referred to as proof of PGN's role and performance as a gas subholding that continues to make breakthroughs and innovations in the use of natural gas.

"Especially at this time, how can Subholding Gas optimize the use of natural gas during the transition period," said PGN's Director of Sales and Operations, Faris Aziz in an official statement, Jakarta, Thursday, December 16.

He said, currently his party continues to establish synergies and collaborations with various parties. PGN Group's collaborative activities are carried out with various BUMN, BUMD, and housing developers in marketing GasKita products.

GasKita's brand identity and PGN's Brand Recognition are enhanced to be more widespread and positive to be recognized by the public as safe, efficient, and modern energy.

Furthermore, PT PGN COM as a subsidiary of Subholding Gas in the telecommunications sector has also recently collaborated with Weave regarding global internet and connectivity services, including marketing activities for shared services to customers. PGN COM supports the acceleration of economic digitization through reliable connectivity, so that brand identity is also enhanced.

“PGNCOM is a subsidiary of Subholding Gas which is engaged as a provider of fiber optic internet networks. We continue to strive to manage the brand properly so that collaboration with various parties is wide open and gains public trust," said Director of Commercial and Development of PGN COM, Larassetyo Wibowo. At the international level, PGN partners with Osaka Gas to accelerate the acquisition of new customers. especially from Japanese companies, through technical expertise assistance and efforts to obtain a Joint Carbon Mechanism that can provide subsidies from the Japanese government.

Erwin Simanjuntak as President Director of PT PGAS Solution said, "We really appreciate and are grateful for the awards that have been achieved by PGN Solution. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are so many opportunities to convey messages to the audience. But the challenges that are created are also incredibly challenging, we must be able to adapt to changing consumer preferences," he said.

The PGN Group won 7 awards in several categories, including:

1. Best CMO BUMN Tbk - Creative Marketing Initiative, Director of Sales and Operations Faris Aziz2. Adaptive Through Collaboration - Domestic3. Adaptive Through Collaboration – International4. Branding Identity of a SOE Subsidiary – Silver, PT PGN COM5. Global Brand and Marketing Strategy of a SOE Subsidiary – Bronze, PT PGN COM6. Adaptive Through Collaboration BUMN Subsidiary – Bronze, PT PGN COM7. Creative Communication & Implementation Subsidiary of BUMN – Bronze, PT PGN Solution

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