JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ordered the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to replace the Regional Police Chief who cannot oversee, maintain and assist investment in the regions. Because, Jokowi emphasized that investment is an important sector in national economic growth.

"I've also entrusted it to the National Police Chief. The Regional Police Chief who can't look after it, is the same. Be warned, if it's really difficult, you can't oversee it, you can't solve it, which is related to our country's big agenda, sorry, replace it!" he said in the Regional Unit Head's Appeal, Friday, December 3.

Jokowi wants investment that enters Indonesia to be guarded so that there are no disturbances. According to him, the Regional Police Chief must assist so that incoming and ongoing investments can actually be realized.

"So if there are disturbances in the investment area, guard and accompany them, so that every investment is truly realized. Because the key to driving the economy is there," he said.

"Take care, once again, take care of the investment. Existing investments, new investments in process and new investments, take care," he continued.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta said that the main key in encouraging positive economic growth was investment, not the state budget (APBN).

"Because our key here is not in the state budget. To know, the state budget only affects approximately 18-15 percent of our economic growth. Don't get me wrong, what does that mean, 85 percent of money circulation and economic growth are in the private sector and state-owned enterprises," he explained. .

Currently, Jokowi continued, the investment target is IDR 900 trillion. Meanwhile, next year, the investment target will be increased to Rp. 1,200 trillion. He also explained that currently investment in Indonesia has spread, not only focusing on the island of Java.

"And now thank God, this is the one from 2021, the investment is only in Java, outside Java it is bigger. Because in Java 48 percent, outside Java 51.7 percent there are already more. It's more. This means this is good, this shift is good. In the past, more than 60 percent of it was in Java. This is good," he said.

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