JAKARTA - In the aftermath of the discovery of paid toilets at Pertamina's public gas filling stations (SPBU), Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir, has officially stipulated a prohibition against levying fees for people who use public facilities owned by SOEs.
These provisions are issued in Circular (SE) Number SE-16/MBUT11/2021 concerning Quality Improvement of Public Facilities and Social Facilities of SOEs. The Circular was published on November 24, 2021.
In the regulation, Erick explained that the provision of SOE services in which there are public facilities and social facilities is always carried out with adequate maintenance, maintenance, and management so that it has a mutual impact and does not burden the people who use it.
"There is no charge for the user community", said the Circular, quoted Friday, November 26.
Not only that, but Erick also asked the board of commissioners and the supervisory board of SOEs to oversee the implementation of the provision of public facilities and social facilities within the SOE business.
"Providing adequate and well-maintained public and social facilities to become part of the service quality standards carried out by SOEs", he said.
Residents support free toilets at Pertamina
South Jakarta residents support SOE Minister Erick Thohir's move, who instructed all Pertamina gas stations to make toilets free for visitors.
One of the residents, Suharjo, said that the move was very positive for gas station consumers. Because, even though the toilet at the gas station has a tariff of IDR 2,000, if you don't have any change, it will go awry.
"I agree that toilets at gas stations are free of charge. Most gas stations have made their toilets free", said Suharjo.
One of the motorcyclists, Putra Yusamudra, also stated that he supports Erick Thohir's move to make toilets at Pertamina gas stations free.
"If a gas station charges a fee for its toilet, then the toilet must always be clean and the guard gets a clear honorarium", he said.

Pertamina ensures free toilets
Pertamina opened its voice after receiving criticism from SOE Minister Erick Thohir regarding paid toilets at gas stations. Pertamina Subholding Commercial and Trading Corporate Secretary, Irto Ginti, ensured that these public facilities could be used free of charge.
"Toilet is one form of service available at gas stations. We will re-socialize it to gas station owners to improve services to the community", he told VOI, Tuesday, November 23.
Irto said that the socialization carried out was not only about fuel services but also included ensuring the availability of free toilets and paying attention to cleanliness and comfort.
"We are grateful for the input of the Minister, input from the community to make Pertamina better", he said.
Pertamina toilets pay IDR 2 thousand
Previously, SOE Minister Erick Thohir questioned why people had to pay if they wanted to use the toilet at a gas station. In fact, according to him, toilets at gas stations are public facilities that should be free of charge.
"This is a private gas station, by those who have a contract, if you want to use the toilet you have to pay IDR 2,000 for a pee and to take a shower, you pay IDR 4,000. Why is it not free? This is a public facility", he said through the upload.
The toilet keeper could not explain the reason why toilets at gas stations have a tariff, because he was only an employee carrying out his duties.
"I don't know sir. I'm just working", he said.
It is known from the upload that the gas station is located in the District of Malasan, Probolinggo.
"This is my message to colleagues at Pertamina, from the public toilets of Pertamina gas stations, Malasan District, Probolinggo. It is the obligation of SOEs to provide the best service for the community", wrote Erick Thohir's caption on the upload.
"To Pertamina's directors, I hope that public facilities like this should be free because they already get it from selling gasoline (BBM). That's the case, there is also a grocery store. So people should also get additional facilities", he added.
"I ask Pertamina's directors to repair it, and I ask that later all cooperation with private gas stations under Pertamina will also not pay for the toilet, it must be free", concluded Erick.
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