SEMARANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo asked for input from the workers in determining the structure of the wage scale before setting the 2022 district/city minimum wage (UMK) on Tuesday, November 30.

"We have four days starting today, tomorrow Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday because Tuesday we decide the UMK," said Ganjar after meeting representatives of workers who are members of the Federation of National Trade Unions (FKSPN) at the Central Java Governor's office, Semarang, reported by Antara, Thursday, November 25.

Ganjar hopes that within four days a wage scale structure can be formulated.

According to Ganjar, the input from the workers is very good because the person concerned understands Government Regulation Number 36 very well and locks it with a clear formulation so that the governor does not have the authority to determine the minimum wage.

"It's been made now, this formula that I asked to be prepared by friends who worked together. So we don't have to wait for time, if we can't do it today, we ask for four days to be able to deliver it," he said.

Regarding the additional provisions for the wage scale structure, Ganjar said the workers also appreciated it, but the workers still demanded that the wage scale structure be detailed, even though it could not be contained in the governor's decree.

"Well, today we are 'hostage' for a while to provide details, so we asked them to have a joint meeting. What would their input on the structure of the wage scale and workers with a tenure of more than one year look like," he said.

Ganjar also asked companies and workers must be open, profitable companies must be displayed and workers must know the condition of the company, whether it is profit or loss.

"We ask for fairness, companies that are still healthy, how much profit, how high is this. Is this not affected by COVIR-19, which is affected? If all of this is flattened, everything is rushed, it's definitely not possible. If the company goes bankrupt, who gets laid off who take care of it. We have coordinated everything that was laid off to be taken care of. There is assistance and so on," he said.

Ganjar also expressed his gratitude because the action carried out by the workers in front of the Central Java Governor's Office took place in an orderly manner.

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