JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara appreciated the positive impact brought by digital services company Grab in boosting the economy in Kupang and Jayapura.

According to him, the results of a study conducted by the University of Indonesia's Institute for Economic and Community Research (LPEM) show that the development of digital platforms can have a considerable influence on society.

“I read that based on research results, it was concluded that Grab's presence in Kupang and Jayapura has increased digital inclusion, increased financial inclusion, and even created jobs. Because many of the participants that Grab met previously did not have jobs,” he said through a virtual channel, Wednesday, November 10.

The Vice Minister of Finance added that the research that was held also gave a signal that the economic movement in these two cities had its own share in boosting growth in the Central and Eastern Indonesia regions.

"Even the analysis that uses the nightlights method also leads to the conclusion that there are changes in economic outcomes at the regional macro level," he said.

Therefore, the representative from Sri Mulyani hopes that other digital companies and similar platforms will emerge that can hoist people's productive activities so that economic growth and recovery can be accelerated.

"Of course, what is contributed by the digital economy such as grab can continue to be present," he said.

For information, the LPEM UI study states that 100 percent of Grab's MSME partners in Kupang and Jayapura now have a savings account. It was mentioned that previously, small business actors who had accounts only reached 43 percent.

Then, as many as 21 percent of Grab partners previously did not have a job and now have a relatively stable income.

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