JAKARTA - The five KPK leaders volume V who will be inaugurated on Friday, December 20 have continued to carry out the induction or introduction process since Monday, December 16. This process must be carried out as a step to introduce the work environment for new leaders in the 2019-2023 period.
In addition, in this process, the leadership of the KPK in the previous period would certainly discuss the cases they had resolved even though when asked about this, several new KPK leaders admitted that there had not been any in-depth discussions about the cases which were their homework.
According to the deputy chairman of the KPK who was elected Nawawi Pamolango in the induction activity, they only received training from the KPK leadership regarding the work system in prosecution and knowledge of internal supervisors. There has not been any discussion about the cases currently being handled by the anti-graft agency.
"No (there are discussions) of cases. Only their work process (prosecution and internal supervisors) is told," Nawawi told reporters after carrying out the induction activity at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, December 18.
As a person who was previously outside the scope of the KPK, Nawawi, who was a judge, said that the anti-graft agency's performance so far has been quite good. Not only in the enforcement department but also in prevention. It's just that, for prevention, he said, he was not so much exposed. So it seems that not so much has been done by the KPK.
"There are also many prevention measures that have been implemented so well, but they are not exposed," said the elected representative, who once said that the KPK was like a person coming home from a clubbing because Indonesia's corruption perception index (GPA) was insignificant.
As the new KPK leader, he is aware that Agus Rahardjo cs will have 'inherited' homework for him and the new KPK leadership. It's just that, the details of the case have not been discussed with them.
Even if they haven't discussed it yet, Nawawi said they will know the details of this case through the handover note that the new leadership will receive after the handover of office.
"Usually in the memory of the handover, what they have done will describe what they have done. But, the most important thing for us is what they have not done and what are the obstacles," he said.
In addition to talking about old cases that will become their legacy, Nawawi also spoke about the authority to issue Investigation Termination Orders (SP3) as stipulated in Article 40 of Law Number 19 of 2019.
He conveyed this in response to Agus Rahardjo's request, who had said that the leadership of the KPK for the 2019-2023 period would not be reckless in issuing SP3 when they were in office.
Nawawi said, although there is an authority to issue the letter, it is not easy to do this.
"Of course with the background yesterday, for example, someone died because there was no authority. That person can't do anything. That's all," he said, adding that the use of SP3 must be based on strong legal considerations, so he made sure that the leadership of the KPK volume V would not sell SP3 .
PR Corruption Case
Some time ago, the Chairman of the KPK volume IV Agus Rahardjo actually conveyed a case that would be inherited to the new KPK leadership. According to Agus, this case has actually developed a lot in recent times. However, the time for investigation is limited.
According to him, one of the cases passed on to the leadership of the KPK for the 2019-2023 period chaired by Firli Bahuri was the issue of the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Certificate (SKL).
"For BLBI, at least we have started one. Hopefully someone will continue," said Agus to reporters some time ago at the KPK Support Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.
Agus explained that big cases such as the issuance of SKL BLBI which caused losses to the state amounting to Rp 3.7 trillion do need time in the investigation process. Because, the investigation and investigation of this case is more complex. Likewise with cases of corruption, the perpetrators are big and often cross-border.
He took the example of the bribery case for the procurement of Airbus SAS and Rolls-Royce PLC aircraft engines as well as money laundering that ensnared former President Director of PT Garuda Indonesia Emirsyah Satar and businessman Soetikno Soedarjo.
It is known that the KPK took almost three years to handle this case since they issued an investigation warrant or Sprindik on January 16, 2017. Agus said that the KPK needed a long time considering the case was connected with many institutions across countries.
"We want to bring Garuda (case) to trial. It also takes a long time. Connecting with many cross-country institutions. So the problem is there," he said.
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