JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) summoned the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan. Anies was summoned as a witness in the Munjul land acquisition case, East Jakarta. What is the chronology of the land acquisition corruption case in Munjul?

Apart from Anies, another witness summoned by the KPK today is the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi. Prasetio Edi reportedly came first, before being followed by Anies who appeared in official clothes. On that occasion Anies gave a brief statement to the media.

"I came to fulfill the summons. I hope that later the information I provide will be able to help the KPK's task in resolving the corruption issue that is being processed. So I will convey everything that is needed, hopefully it will be useful for the KPK," said Anies.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan at the KPK (Wardhany Tsa Tsia/VOI)

After giving a statement, Anies entered the KPK building. Anies and Prasetio's investigation concerns their capacity regarding the suspect Yoory Corneles, the former President Director of PT Perumda Pembangunan Jaya.

After the examination, Anies explained that there were eight questions posed to him. Everything is related to the housing procurement program in Jakarta, including the program foundation and regulations in the capital city. Anies did not answer in more detail, including questions related to Yoory in the context of this case.

"Alhamdulillah, we have finished fulfilling the summons to provide information. There are eight questions related to the housing procurement program in Jakarta ... Regarding the substance, let the KPK explain, from our side it is only the program," said Anies.

Besides Yoory, in this case the KPK has also named a number of other suspects. Among them are Deputy Commissioner of PT Adonara Propertindo Anja Runtuwene, Director of PT Aldira Berkah Abadi Makmur Rudi Hartono Iskandar (RHI), Director of PT Adonara Propertindo Tommy Ardian.

This case also dragged PT Adonara Propertindo as a corporate suspect. For his actions, Yoory and the other suspects were charged with violating Article 2 Paragraph (1) or Article 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law 20/2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999. concerning Eradication of Corruption Juncto Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

Chronology of corruption in land acquisition in Munjul

The corruption in land acquisition in Munjul, Pondok Ranggon Village, Cipayung District, East Jakarta occurred in 2019. The case began when Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya collaborated with PT Adonara Propertindo to provide land.

At that time the BUMD in the land and building property sector was still led by Yoory Corneles Pinontoan. And the land sought at that time was intended to be a business unit or land bank. Then on April 8, 2019, the Sale and Purchase Agreement was signed.

The signing was carried out at the Sarana Jaya office. In front of a notary, Yoory and Deputy Director of PT Adonara Propertindo Anja Runtuwene as sellers. At the same time, a 50 percent payment with a nominal value of Rp108.9 billion went to Anja Runtuwene's Bank DKI account.

After that, on Yoory's orders, Sarana Jaya again paid Anja Runtuwene around Rp43.5 billion. Sarana Jaya is suspected of committing an unlawful act in the land acquisition in Munjul. The first accusation relates to the absence of a feasibility study on the land object.

Yoory Corneles (Wardhany Tsa Tsia/VOI)

Sarana Jaya also did not conduct an appraisal study and did not include the completeness of the requirements in accordance with related regulations. Several stages of land acquisition are also strongly suspected of being carried out without appropriate SOPs. In addition, there are documents that are compiled in a back-dated manner.

The KPK also suspects that prior to the negotiations, there was an initial price agreement between Sarana Jaya and Anja Runtuwene. State financial losses, the KPK is predicted to reach Rp152.5 billion. And regarding the summons of Anies and Prasetio Edi, this has actually been discussed for a long time.

Anies and Prasetio Edi are considered the key to revealing the case because this project has been compiled in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Budget (APBD) program. "In the preparation of the DKI APBD budget program, the Governor of DKI is very understanding."

"So of course it is necessary to ask for information so that it becomes clear, we will reveal all parties suspected of being involved, both from the legislative and executive circles." said KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri in a press statement last July.

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