JAKARTA - The construction of the Tebet Intermediate Waste Management Facility (FPSA) by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) has become a polemic. The use of hydrodrive incinerator technology for FPSA is the estuary.

Incinerator technology is considered environmentally friendly. But this technology is also claimed to be bad for household waste management because it can exacerbate air pollution in Jakarta.

Even the face of Jakarta's waste management has not changed since then, from collecting, transporting, throwing away to collecting, transporting, burning. Acting Head of the Jakarta Environment Agency, Syarifudin, stated that the construction of the FPSA in Tebet, South Jakarta is a solution to reduce the quantity of waste entering the TPST Bantargebang, Bekasi.

Based on data as of July 2019, the height of the garbage mountain in the Bantargebang TPST has reached 43-48 meters from the maximum limit of 50 meters. "The goal is to support the optimization of the Bantargebang TPST which is currently running."

"Such as the Red and White Waste Power Plant (PLTSa) at the Bantargebang TPST with a capacity of 100 tons/day and Landfill Mining for processing old waste into fuel with an average capacity in 2020 of 23 tons/day, and the capacity will continue to be increased," Syaripudin said in a written statement quoted by Liputan6.

Garbage in final disposal (Irfan Meidianto/VOI)

Therefore, FPSA Tebet is used as a waste management strategy by applying environmentally friendly and efficient waste management technology. Hydrodrive incinerator technology is predicted to be able to manage 120 tons of waste per day on an area of 13,000 square meters.

Moreover, FPSA has the advantage of reducing through changes in form, composition, characteristics to the amount of waste. All of this is to realize the dream of FPSA Tebet as an example of integrated waste management with modern technology.

"The development of the Tebet FPSA is also integrated with the Tebet Park revitalization activity which is currently underway. The green concept of Tebet Park will also be applied to the Tebet FPSA which is being planned," he added.

Not only Syarifudin, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria revealed the same thing. According to him, FPSA Tebet will not emit pollution. He claims, FPSA has embedded micro-scale technology so that it does not cause pollution as some have feared.

"Don't interpret it like burning garbage at home, this is burning garbage using only micro-small-scale technology," said Riza Patria as quoted by Republika.co.id.

Lots of harm
WALHI Action (Source: Special)

Narrative Bantargebang overload or overload is not a new thing. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has repeatedly said the same thing to smooth out the FPSA development plan.

Director of WALHI Jakarta Tubagus Soleh Ahmadi agrees with this. According to him, the Bantargebang narrative overload is a cliché. This narrative has even been repeated over and over again since the last three years.

“The full bantargebang has always been sung for the last three years. A kind of smoothing out the trick of burning waste projects or thermal-based waste incineration projects. In fact, incinerator everywhere is not effective. If you look back at the policies of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, the system is still collecting, transporting, disposing of and overloading Bantargebang. In fact, it was done in conjunction with announcing Bantargebang overload. This means that the DKI Provincial Government has not learned anything.”

“With the FPSA, it certainly doesn't change anything. The only difference is collect, transport, burn in incineraror. The DKI Provincial Government itself has no progress in managing waste, so he himself made the bantargebang full. And this has happened a long time ago. That's why it's called a cliche," said Bagus to VOI, Wednesday, August 11.

Regarding the claim of environmentally friendly incinerators, Bagus disagrees. Thermal technology such as incinerators is not a new energy, but an old technology that has been abandoned by many. In addition, incinerators have many problems. Take for example the incinerator in Soreang, Bandung, West Java.

The Soreang Incinerator itself has many disadvantages, rather than benefits. The reason is, when the incinerator was tested, it emitted black smoke and was ineffective. Based on WALHI's monitoring in West Java, pollution from the Soreang incinerator facility is often carried by the wind into settlements. As a result, local people complain of odors that interfere with smell.

It's also good to add that the incinerator is like a kind of burning stove. Because of that, when the incinerator is placed in a Green Open Space (RTH), Taman Tebet will clearly add new problems. After all, one of the functions of Green Open Space (RTH) is education. The use of technology for burning garbage in Tebet Park is not a good education. Mainly to be shown to the public.

The DKI Jakarta government is said to only take shortcuts. They are more concerned with project-based waste management, rather than community participation-based waste management.

Bagus suggested that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government should promote the implementation of Government Regulation (PP) 81 of 2012 concerning household waste management. Article 14 explains that each producer is obliged to reuse their waste. For example, product A must be responsible for managing all of its own waste. And this has not been implemented massively.

After that, it is better for the DKI Provincial Government to present many community-based 3R Temporary Shelters (TPS). The reason is that the number of existing 3R TPS is far from the ideal lift. Then, the government immediately provides support and expands the good practices of waste management that are already running in the community.

"With this, WALHI Jakarta asks the Governor of DKI Jakarta to immediately cancel the plan for the waste burning project in Tebet Park, because it has the potential to endanger the community interaction space. In addition, the revitalization of Tebet Park by entering waste management using incinerator technology is far from the Governor's concept and commitment to making the park an Eco Garden concept. A concept that combines a park with a means of interaction, education, and recreation,” concluded Bagus.

*Read other information about DKI JAKARTA or read other interesting articles from Detha Arya Tifada.


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