JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) rejected the application for judicial review (judicial review) submitted by Faldo Maldini, related to the minimum age for registration of candidates for regional head.
For Faldo, his lawsuit is an entry point for young people to make changes, in this case leadership regeneration. However, with the refusal of the lawsuit, the path he had aspired to was hampered. Even so, he still accepted the verdict.
The West Sumatra (West Sumatra) PSI management then linked this decision to the existence of young people in the political world. He said, the socialization about partiality to young people brought up by political parties so far has only become a campaign commodity.
PDIP DPP chairman Said Abdullah did not agree with Faldo, who said commodities were to gain votes. He explained that PDIP is a cross-generational party from young to senior. Many young leaders were born from regeneration in PDIP and have achievements in leading the regions.
"For PDIP, the younger generation is the spirit of PDIP and they are not just the owners of the future. But it is clear that they are currently working at various levels of supra and political infrastructure," said Said, when contacted by VOI, in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 11.
Said gave examples of successful young cadres in PDIP, including Azwar Anas in Banyuwangi, Ganjar Pranowo in Central Java, Joko Widodo when he was Mayor of Solo, Tri Rismaharini in Surabaya, and Hasto Wardoyo in Kulon Progo.
"They are a series of examples of high-achieving young leaders. Within the PDIP, there are also many young people who undergo political regeneration. Many members of the DPRD and DPR RI are also young people. Yet the Constitutional Court's decision politically does not diminish the progress of young people in politics. , "he said.
Said added that President Jokowi, who is also a PDIP cadre, has also given an example of giving young people the opportunity to become special presidential staff. "This is an example of how our national leaders give young people the opportunity to take part even to penetrate the palace," he said.
On a separate occasion, the Wasekjen of the NasDem Party, Willy Aditya, said that for the NasDem Party, young people are the hope of the nation. NasDem siding is not just a mere word, it is proven by the position of the young NasDem Party cadres who passed into the Parliament.
"NasDem proves that today 10 people under the age of 30 are in the DPR RI. 10 of the 59 members of the DPR RI from the NasDem Party are under 30 years of age. So NasDem does not only speak but reflect through political commitment and practice," he said. Willy.
Willy agrees with what Faldo Maldini strives for leadership regeneration. He said that young people should be given more space. This is because young people are the backbone of the party.
"In fact, young people must be the main energy. Must be the backbone, become a locomotive, there is a saying that the old Tut Wuri Handayani back-up the young from behind, the young must be in front. So if NasDem agrees with the spirit that is was championed by Faldo and his friends, "he said.
"We should indeed capture the spirit of the times when many young people are growing up. After all, President Jokowi gives trust to young people," he continued.
According to Willy, the fault is not with political parties in providing real support for young people. For him, what stands in the way of that is the existing rules in this country.
"Faldo from the political party who filed the lawsuit together with Tsamara from a political party, so the obstacles are not in the party. The obstacles are in the Constitutional Court and in the rules. So Faldo must be active again so that his party passes to Senayan. In order to change the law. just stop at the head of the region, lots of other space. "
Furthermore, Gerindra Communication Agency member Andre Rosiade said his party supports young people as future leaders of the nation. He did not agree that it was said that young people were only used to attract sympathy and public voices.
"Not for Gerindra. Young people are not used as a commodity but given the opportunity. Pak Prabowo has indeed prepared young people to become leaders in Gerindra and have been given the opportunity to advance in both the regional elections and the legislative elections and there are many young people in the DPR RI today, who I'm a lot under my age, "said Andre.
The party's support for young people, says Andre, is not just nonsense without action. All of this is reflected in the large number of young cadres who have been given the opportunity to become leaders. Starting from the leadership of the DPD, DPC, regents, to mayors. "Then there are also regional heads. Even for the 2020 Pilkada, Gerindra will support young cadres to advance," he explained.
Meanwhile, PSI spokesman Rian Ernest said that for him, young people are the future of the Indonesian nation. The future of Indonesian politics is also in the hands of young people. PSI's siding with young people, said Ernest, was not just words. Even though it is considered a new political party, PSI's support for young people is real.
"We see that young people should be the future political generation. The government should be given trust, given positions. Yes, PSI certainly has real evidence of including young people in the system. LBH PSI is an advocate who filed a judicial review, we are contesting the age limit for regional head candidates. such, "he explained.
Ernest regretted the Constitutional Court's decision rejecting the lawsuit regarding the registration age limit for regional heads and returning this to the DPR as the policy maker.
"I say that with a decision like this, it means that the spirit of reform in the current regional head election system is not yet present. So if Bang Faldo says that young people are often a commodity, we will see in reality with the verdict that young people under the age of 30 cannot be. governor, "he said.
For your information, the Constitutional Court (MK) rejected the request for judicial review of the rules regarding the minimum limit for regional head candidates as contained in Article 7 paragraph (2) letter e of Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning Pilkada. The petitioners in this judicial review were a number of young politicians from the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), such as Tsamara Amany, to Faldo Maldini.
The Petitioners consider Article 7 paragraph (2) of the Election Law to prevent the applicant from running as governor, mayor and regent. This is because the article regulates the minimum requirements for a person to run for regional head.
Article 7 paragraph (2) letter e states, candidates for governor and deputy governor must be at least 30 years old. Meanwhile, candidates for mayor and deputy mayor as well as regents and deputy regents must be at least 25 years old.
The Petitioners consider that the regulation is contrary to Article 18 paragraph (4) of the 1945 Constitution which states that regional heads are elected democratically. Not only that, the regulation is also considered contrary to Article 28D paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution which states that everyone has the right to equal treatment.
Departing from the above reasons, the petitioners asked the Constitutional Court to lower the minimum age limit for regional head candidates to 21 years, such as the minimum age limit for candidates for legislative members.
However, the Constitutional Court considered that Tsamara and his friends' petition was legally unwarranted. Because, according to the Constitutional Court, the minimum limit for regional head candidates cannot be the same as the minimum limit for candidates for regional head.
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