JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD has warned us about the dangers of COVID-19. Let's not think that COVID-19 is a game, that's what Mahfud said. Wasn't Mahfud the one playing around with COVID-19? Remember when this virus became a global pandemic?

Mahfud made the call when attending a gathering with Muslim scholars in the context of handling COVID-19 in Bangkalan Regency, East Java, Tuesday, June 15. "We see the fact that most of those who are taken to the hospital are already seriously ill," said Mahfud, quoted from a written statement.

"To prevent this, the ulama should socialize that the swab test is important to know and to prevent it," Mahfud said as quoted from his written statement, Wednesday, June 16.

Mahfud further spoke about the increase in COVID-19 cases in recent times, both in the world and at home. According to Mahfud, this happened because of the mindset of the people who underestimated COVID-19 and 'played' with it. Mahfud also warned that an increase in cases could occur quickly.

"Don't think that COVID is a game. Look at examples of cases that have increased within 24 hours in India. Indonesia is also currently ranked 18th in the world and so far it has reached 1.9 million cases," explained Mahfud.

Mahfud at the beginning of the pandemic
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD (Source: Antara)

In early March 2020, a man in Cianjur tested positive for COVID-19. The positive results were obtained after the man died. At the beginning of the incident, the Cianjur Regent, Herman Suherman, had stated that the victim's death was a case of COVID-19.

Herman was then reprimanded by Mahfud. Herman called Mahfud has spread any news. Mahfud also said that Herman was looking for a stage. Furthermore, the central government asked local governments to be less capable. Full authority is in the center.

However, recently, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil confirmed the death as a case of COVID-19. The victim's wife and children were confirmed to be infected. Mahfud, silent, did not reply.

At that time, Indonesia had confirmed cases 01 and 02 in Depok, West Java. Three days after Ridwan Kamil's statement, Mahfud made a statement that the death toll from the corona virus was no more than the number of victims who died from the common cold.

"The common cold has more victims who died," said Mahfud.

On the same day, Indonesia banned entry to immigrants from Italy, South Korea and Iran, the three countries that were worst affected at the time. Four days later, for the first time Indonesia recorded a drastic increase in COVID-19 cases, from seven people on March 8 to 13 people that day.

Photo illustration (Source: Antara)

The next day WHO encouraged Indonesia to declare a national emergency status for COVID-19. The push was responded to by establishing a non-natural national disaster status for COVID-19 on March 14.

Three days after that, coinciding with France's total lockdown of all countries, Indonesia declared a period of emergency for the COVID-19 outbreak until May 29. Since then the number of positive cases of COVID-19 has continued to increase.

On March 19, there were 309 positive people, of which 15 recovered and 25 died. On the same day, the government stated that it would prepare the Kemayoran Athlete's Wisma in North Jakarta to be used as an emergency hospital.

Jokowi, that day also ordered that rapid tests be carried out immediately. In China, that day they announced the good news. For the first time, there have been no new cases since the first case was announced in Wuhan.

Apart from Mahfud, other officials were also noted for making denials about the pandemic. As we noted in the BERNAS article entitled Recording History of Indonesia's Response to COVID-19, some of them even made fun of the corona virus.

For example, former Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, to Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi who recently contracted the virus.

*Read other information about COVID-19 or read other interesting articles from Yudhistira Mahabharata.


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