JAKARTA - A former COVID-19 patient from Depok, Mangaranap Sinaga has now recovered 12 days and was allowed to return home from the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital on April 30. The General Secretary of the Association of Indonesian Churches (PGI) Depok told VOI the story of undergoing treatment at the Athlete's House for 35 days.

A few days before experiencing the symptoms of COVID-19, Mangaranap was again busy taking care of preparations for Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), especially for Depok Christians. He has been in charge of preparing churches to worship from home since March 22.

The next day, on March 23, Mangaranap's wife was declared a suspect or patient under surveillance (PDP). It is strongly suspected that he contracted it while mourning his friend who died of COVID-19 on March 15.

Due to his independent home isolation, Mangaranap had to take care of his wife. Two days later, Mangaranap's stronghold of immunity began to collapse. He was experiencing intense nausea which was suspected to be a symptom of COVID-19.

"I then went to Graha Permata Depok Hospital for treatment. After having my blood checked, at first I was diagnosed with typhus," said Mangaranap.

However, the afternoon after the X-ray, the diagnosis changed. Mangaranap's lungs were shaded. At that time he was also appointed as the PDP. Even though he did not feel shortness of breath. "That is probably why there are people without symptoms (OTG) now," he said.

According to Mangaranap, at that time the mainstay of testing for COVID-19 was by doing X-rays. There were no special tools such as laboratory tests to test for COVID-19 at that time.

After being declared PDP, Mangaranap was moved into a narrow container specifically for treating PDP. There were three patients close to each other in a container no more than 20 feet in size. The distance between patients was not even one meter.

Due to the inadequate condition of the facilities, Mangaranap is worried that his illness will even get worse. He then took the initiative to move to the Wisma Atlet emergency hospital with his wife who is also PDP.

Athletes House

Arriving at the Athlete's House, they are examined at the Emergency Room (IGD). After being checked, Mangaranap and his wife were moved to an apartment unit which contained two rooms. At that time Mangaranap's condition began to weaken. He can no longer walk alone. "The road has to be carried. I was very depressed at that time" he said.

There has been no special handling on the first day of treatment. On March 27th, they had just been tested with a rapid test tool, there was no swab test yet. In that first test, Mangaranap's wife tested positive. Meanwhile, he is still negative. His wife was then moved to the 31st floor.

According to Mangaranap, the floors in an apartment building are divided into two categories. From the fourth to the ninth floor, specifically to accommodate the PDP. Meanwhile, from the top floor to the bottom, specifically for COVID-19 positive patients. Meanwhile, testing for COVID-19 is held once a week.

"Because it is considered a new virus incubation appears," said Mangaranap.

Everyday the doctor comes to check twice a day: morning and evening. Patients are provided with balanced nutritious food and drink. However, Mangaranap was not given vitamins from the hospital because he brought his own vitamins.

On the ninth day, after being tested for the second time, Mangaranap was only tested positive for COVID-19. He was then transferred to the 30th floor. That's when he was given medicine. "There are three types, namely chloroquine, a drug from Japan, one more antibiotic, all of which are hard drugs," he explained.

After taking the medicine, the next day Mangaranap's condition worsened. He was vomiting so it was difficult to receive food intake and had difficulty sleeping.

It turned out that it was a reaction from the drug that was given Mangaranap is then recommended to drink more water. And after that he had to take care of himself.

"What made me survive at that time was enthusiasm. I had to recover. I read a lot about dealing with this disease, one of which was with enthusiasm," explained Mangaranap.

In addition to enthusiasm, other tips for battling COVID-19 are not to be stressed and eat a lot. To avoid stress, he turned off his cell phone for ten days.

Building solidarity

In the following week, Mangaranap then started doing the swab test. And the results are still positive. After passing through 14 days of positive period, patients are advised to expose themselves to the sun and exercise. They do that on the rooftop.

To create a means of communication between patients, doctors and nurses, a WhatsApp group was created. The contents of the group are reports of complaints from patients and a means of motivating each other between patients.

Mangaranap never felt lonely there because each patient supported each other, especially through the communication group. There is solidarity there.

They encourage each other. In the morning, for example, they promise to sunbathe while exercising together. Of course, by applying physical distancing. Apart from motivation and eating a lot, Mangaranap said that one of the biggest factors for recovery is prayer.

"My job is when I'm in my room, praying while crying, but don't forget to eat,"

Mangaranap Sinaga

According to Mangaranap, not a few patients feel down. So if someone feels like that they reinforce each other through the group and when sunbathing together.

At that time, Mangaranap felt that even though they came from different backgrounds, he really felt that he became a unity. "There are no barriers there even though they are of different backgrounds and religions," he said.

Meanwhile, the nurses who are ready to serve patients seem tireless. In one day they work three shifts. Meanwhile, the number of shifts increases to four when entering the fasting month.

After doing two swab tests, three rapid tests, two x-rays, finally Mangaranap's condition gradually recovered. After 35 days of being treated and his lungs were declared clean, he and his wife were allowed to go home.

Only two days left for Mangaranap to complete the recovery process at home. After that he will start to be able to move as before.

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