JAKARTA - The debate about the habit of reading books to be used as content is debated on social media (medsos) Twitter. The discourse starts from a thread that says that reading a book today is no longer cool, because there is a "new standard" that requires posting after reading a book. Though there is no illegal way to grow interest in reading, especially in the midst of the crisis of reading interest in Indonesian society.

It all started when the owner of a Twitter account @HELLOHONEBI created a thread that said reading the current book was not fun because it consumed unrealistic expectations. According to him today many people are too attached to the meds.

Any activity that is not uploaded on social media, he said, is not considered productive. It's no exception to read a book. According to @HELLOHONEBI, now it seems as if a new standard appears that after reading a book should be used as content, reviewed, and included in the target list of yearbook reading.

"The assumption is that we're not really alive if we're not recorded by IG, cameras, Twitter, whatever it is. Life is performanceive and sometimes feels empty," @HELLOHONEBI wrote.

Even so, in a thread that gets more than five thousand likes it also emphasizes being yourself, and being a little less concerned with the realities of the world. "I'm always trying to get my readers to be themselves, and I'm not realistic about the world."

Warganet's response to this argument is mixed. There are pros, but not a few are also cons.

Some people who counter argue, those who upload their readings on social media just want to share their knowledge. In addition, many also find it helpful because they get a lot of information from the accounts that make the summary of the reading results.

The owner of the account @noviahaya for example, he feels confused why anyone thinks of things that he thinks do not need to be thought of such as a person's motives to read this book. Because, he felt helped by people who make book reviews on social media.

In addition, the account owner @hutanhujann claimed he created book review content on Social Media Instagram purely to remember what he had read. "I post a book review on instagram purely to remember what I've read and summarize its contents. I feel the need to say this, because not everyone who reads books and uploaded let 'be considered.'"

Meanwhile, those who agree with @HELLOHONEBI argument say reading a book does become unpleasant when its intention is not purely to explore knowledge. Moreover, there are those who deliberately read books just to increase social status or want to be "considered" and to look insightful in the discussion.

It's not about

The problem with the habit of reading books to be used as social media content is almost pointless. Quite the contrary, according to Sociologist from State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Tantan Hermansyah, the habit of showing off reading is good. "Showing off reading mah should be. Just hold on," said Tantan contacted VOI.

The habit of showing off reading is also apparently able to memantik interest in reading someone. Because of the word tantan, interest in reading is strongly influenced by habit or environmental factors.

"When a person is in a reading environment, then he will contract the habit. If it is not in that environment, it will be difficult to contract the interest," said Tantan.

So since when should this reading interest be nurtured? According to Tantan, it is ideal since childhood. "Ever since a human being started to hit shapes and colors."

Similar to Tantan, Education Observer Ubaid Matraji also explained that reading interest should be fostered as early as possible. "From reading a lot, critical thinking can be felt, because in the book there are many theories and debates," Ubaid told VOI.

The importance of increasing reading interest

Criticism of the habit of reading books to be used as content and the number of cibiran "many people read in order to be considered smart" should be eliminated. Because this may only hinder the growth of reading interest in Indonesian society collectively. Moreover, as we know, our people's reading interest is low.

According to UNESCO data in 2016, Indonesian reading interests are ranked 60th out of 61. Indonesian reading interest is only at 0.001%. If interpreted, there is only 1 Indonesian out of 1000 Indonesians who like to read.

There are several factors that cause reading interest in Indonesia is low. As reported on the website of the Institute of Quality Assurance of Education East Kalimantan, one of them is a matter of no habit to educate the public to like to read. So how do I grow my reading interest especially for adults?

One powerful way to build interest in reading is to find a book that fits the theme we like. If you like reading stories, read them first. Then once you get used to it, you can try reading informative books.

Book reading habits must be built and it takes a process and commitment for reading activities to become habit. Therefore, it is recommended to read a book every day even if it is only a day to read a sheet of two pages.


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