JAKARTA - Political dynamics approach pdi Perjuangan (PDIP). PDIP recently held an event in Semarang, Central Java. DPP Chairman Puan Maharani was present at the event. Interestingly, Governor Ganjar Pranowo, pdip cadre who also hosts is not visible. The dynamics towards 2024 are kissed between Puan, Ganjar, and PDIP. We borrowed the glasses of political analysts to read this situation.

The Opening Ceremony of Marhaen Essay Photo Exhibition and Photos of Heritage Building was held at Panti Marhaen, Saturday, May 22. Political observer of Al Azhar University Indonesia, Andriadi Achmad said there are concerns about the popularity that Ganjar built through social media. That popularity can be dangerous for Puan who according to him has long prepared a figure that will be advanced pdip in the upcoming Elections 2024.

"Ganjar Pranowo's position is actually dilemma. Although the electability is quite high as a capres 2024. Of course who will be submitted as Capres 2024 is in the hands of Megawati as Chairman of PDIP," said Andriadi, contacted by VOI, Monday, May 24.

"Therefore, the presence of Ganjar Pranowo who is considered to be actively building popularity and electability can cover the position of Puan Maharani as Capres 2024," said Andriadi.

Another political analyst, Pangi Syarwi Chaniago agreed on Ganjar as another strong figure in pdip besides Puan. The direction is almost certain to be a little bit of the 2024 presidential election, Pangi said. However, he disagreed about ganjar movement. As a pangi, Ganjar has long been active on social media. So the supposed popularity that Ganjar built on social media is not a big deal.

"What Ganjar has done so far is not there is also an offside. From the beginning I noticed Mas Ganjar was all out playing on social media ... He is also neither too ambitious nor too reactionary as far as I can see. Just flat. Unless he has not been active on social media twitter, YouTube and Instagram, then arrived now the intensity is rather tight, it can be different case. It's natural to suspect," Pangi told VOI.

Breed Megawati?

Pangi instead highlights this dynamic in terms of the power of the Megawati Breed. Puan, as Megawati's biological son certainly has the privilege of a position within the party. Ganjar's position with high popularity capital could threaten Puan's move in 2024.

"Now pdip is Megawati. Puan is Megawati's son. PDIP habitusnya perpendicular,"Said Pangi.

Even so, we also witnessed anomalies in the tradition of political dynasties in the PDIP when Jokowi was carried forward as president, even two periods. The view of the absolute power of the Megawati or Sukarno breed was broken at that time.

"It means that the presidential candidates from pdip have wiggle room outside the Soekarno breed," said Pangi.

Different Jokowi, other Ganjar

What distinguishes the attitude of PDIP in jokowi case with Ganjar case today? Another political observer from Al Azhar University Indonesia, Ujang Komarudin mentioned fundamental differences in these two contexts.

First, Jokowi is special. It appeared and developed unexpectedly, even by the PDIP itself. Jokowi's image, Ujang said, managed to make his political value unmatched, even by Puan.

Jokowi's anomalous factor also triggered today's PDIP move to Ganjar. According to Ujang PDIP no longer want to get stuck. So Ganjar was thwarted early on.

*Read more information about PDIP or read other interesting writings from Nailin In Saroh and Yudhistira Mahabharata.


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