JAKARTA - The Minister of Defense (Menhan) of the Republic of Indonesia Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo has a long track record in the military world. Prabowo, then was known as a politician. However, his militarism never faded.

Prabowo Subianto received a lot of experience in the military world. Prabowo attended the Magelang Military Academy (Akmil) education from 1969 to 1974. In the TNI, Prabowo occupied a number of important positions. All of them are tiered.

Military career Prabowo Subianto Commander of the Indonesian Army Kopassandha Group-1 Commandos (1976-1977) Company Commander of the Indonesian Army Kopassandha Group-1 Command (1977-1983) Deputy Detachment Commander-81 Kopassus TNI AD (1983-1985) Deputy Battalion Commander Airborne Infantry 328 Kostrad TNI AD Chief of Staff of the 17th Airborne Infantry Brigade Kostrad TNI AD Commander Group-3 / Indonesian Army Special Forces Education Center Deputy Commander of the Special Forces of the Army Special Forces Commander of the Army Special Forces Command Commander General Commander of the TNI AD Special Forces (1995 -1996) Pangkostrad TNI AD (1996-1998)

Prabowo's military career has not been brilliant. There is controversy surrounding this. At the top as the Army Chief of Staff, Prabowo was accused of being involved in the coup. He is also said to have led the operation to kidnap nine activists.

In 2013, in an interview with Tempo, Prabowo had made an interesting statement regarding how he faced the opposition, activists, and the critical mass media. Prabowo at that time said:

My commitment to face them is clear. If you ask for a guarantee, what guarantee? I have proven my commitment to the constitution. I think I am the only one who proved myself to the constitution. If you remember in 1998, I was 34 battalions. In terms of physical strength, I am the strongest in Indonesia. And I was accused of wanting a coup, and I was dismissed by the president, and I followed the president's orders without a fight.

Despite the controversy over his involvement in a number of 'black operations', Prabowo is indeed a capable soldier. His prowess and brilliant head were proven on the battlefield. Lieutenant General (ret) of the TNI Yunus Yosfiah, a friend, once talked about Prabowo's first field operation, in which he carried many books in his swollen backpack.

Prabowo filled the backpack with a variety of literature, including the dominating economic magazines. "Bang, I brought this (as) reading material, sir," said Prabowo to Yunus at that time.

There is also a famous story when the man who was born on October 17, 1951 fought in East Timor. At that time Prabowo was the leader of the Special Forces Command (Kopassus).

The condition of the troops was having difficulty getting supplies of foodstuffs because helicopters did not dare to land in their vulnerable area. Prabowo then led his colleagues to survive on bamboo shoots and cassava.

The two plants served as daily food for Prabowo and the troops during their mission to pursue the Fretilin militia. Another story from East Timor is about Prabowo who used to teach English every night.

Indeed, Prabowo is familiar with English. Prabowo's growth and development period was spent in several countries, from Malaysia, Switzerland, to the United States (US) and England.

Prabowo's education and his story at Akmil with SBY

At the Military Academy (Akmil) Magelang, Prabowo was in the same age as the Chairman of the High Council of the Democratic Party, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). Even though he was in his age, Prabowo graduated later than SBY.

Hermawan Sulistyo, Head of the May 1998 Riot Fact-Finding Investigation Team, said that Prabowo was a student who was often involved in disciplinary behavior, namely running away with a number of his friends to Jakarta. At that time, Prabowo was reportedly about to attend the Titiek Soeharto event, the woman who later became Prabowo's wife.

In the aftermath, Prabowo did not graduate from class. And the one who punished Prabowo at that time was General Sarwo Edhie Wibowo, father of Ani Yudhoyono, wife of SBY. Prabowo also graduated in 1974, after previously SBY graduated first in 1973.

Before entering Akmil, Prabowo studied in many countries. Prabowo's basic education was pursued at the Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Prabowo then continued his secondary education - in the 1963-1964 period - to Zurich International School, Switzerland. From 1964 to 1967, Prabowo continued his high school education at the American School in London, England.

The son of the legendary economist, Soemitro Djojohadikoesoemo, chose a military career because of his family status. Prabowo's uncle - who inspired Prabowo's name - named Soebianto Djojohadikoesoemo was a soldier killed in the battle of Lengkong.

Three presidential elections and the position of Minister of Defense

Prabowo Subianto got into politics with his party, the Great Indonesia Movement (Gerindra). He repeatedly fought in the presidential election (pilpres).

First, in 2004. At that time, before the Gerindra Party, Prabowo ran through the Golkar Party. The election was not only historic for Prabowo, but also for the Indonesian nation because it was the first presidential election in the history of the Indonesian state.

Prabowo failed at that time. He then founded his own political party, Gerindra. Prabowo ran with Gerindra in the 2009 presidential election.

Initially Prabowo was going to run with the Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Soetrisno Bachir, whom he collaborated with as a vice presidential candidate. But the coalition withered before it developed.

Needing more seats to meet the nomination requirements, Prabowo and Gerindra also changed course in a coalition with the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP). Prabowo will step down as vice presidential candidate, while Mega is in front as presidential candidate. Both were defeated by the pair Susilo Bambang Yudyoyono (SBY) and Boediono.

In 2014, Prabowo ran again. This time, the Gerindra Party has grown, from 25 seats in the parliament to 73 seats. Prabowo's bargaining power is getting higher. Prabowo also ran in 2014 with PAN Chairman Hatta Rajasa. Both were defeated by the pair Joko Widodo (Jokowi) -Jusuf Kalla (JK).

In the 2019 Presidential Election, Prabowo again faced Jokowi. The two of them changed partners. Prabowo with a young entrepreneur, Sandiaga Uno. Meanwhile Jokowi took the cleric, KH Ma'ruf Amin.

Prabowo was again defeated in the heated contest. The presidential election, which was full of collisions, eventually continued with the merging of two opposing axes. Prabowo was appointed by Jokowi to be Minister of Defense replacing Ryamizard Ryacudu. Meanwhile, Sandi followed Jokowi's appointment as Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, replacing Wishnutama.


Full name

Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo

Place and date of birth

Jakarta, 17 October 1951


69 years



* Read other information about SOSOK or read other interesting writings from Yudhistira Mahabharata.


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